Chapter 15

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{Authors note: this is the new and improved edited version. If you were reading the old version, it's in my works}


"Kristen. Kristen. Kristennnnn." I had no intention of opening my eyes, but as I became more awake and aware of my surroundings, I could have sworn there was a body sitting on top of me, and it was getting uncomfortable.

I was correct.

"Carter, what are you doing," I muttered, trying to stretch, but it was a little difficult all thanks to Carter. "And how did you even get in my house?"

"Spare key baby," He smirked, holding it out in front of my face.

"Can you at least get off of me so I can stretch and wake up. Give me 5 more minutes," I muttered, closing my eyes and getting more comfy.

"Nope, because we'll be late for school."


Carter chuckled, but hopped off, heading over to the door. "Get up or you don't get breakfast."

"You made breakfast?" I asked excitedly, shooting up from my bed and smiling at Carter.

"Nope," He answered, laughing and leaving the room.

I groaned, flopping back down on the bed. "I hate you," I called out.

"No you don't," He called back, and I actually couldn't argue with that.

As I showered, I thought about my brother, who has yet to be home since he stalked out of Carter's house the other day. He hasn't answer my calls, and I was worried. I thought he would at least be back home for school today, but I was wrong.

Carter was sitting at the kitchen table, eating cocoa puffs and scrolling through his phone. His hair was a mess, but it was so cute that I had to go over and push my hands through it.

"You look sexy with your hair pushed back," I whispered in his ear, and he choked a little bit on his cereal.

"Stop quoting Mean Girls," He muttered, shoving another spoonful of cereal in his mouth. I sat down at the other side of the table, where there was already a bowl and a spoon set out for me. I grabbed the cocoa puffs and poured them in my bowl along with milk. Usually I am not eating breakfast with an overly attractive guy sitting across from me, so I didn't have to worry about how I ate my cereal. But when some milk dribbled down my chin after shoving a spoonful of a little too much cereal in my mouth, my face turned pink and I eyed Carter to make sure he wasn't watching.

He was.

"Are you struggling over there?" He asked me, smirking. I stuck up my middle finger, shoving the last spoonful into my mouth, and he laughed at me. We both set our bowls in the sink and I went upstairs to brush my teeth, grabbing my bag and my phone on my way back down.

I groaned when I found Carter sitting down and watching television while eating an apple. "Carter really? We have to go to school, and I want to get there early so I can try to find Brendan before class, come on get your ass of the couch."

Carter chuckled, taking another bite of his apple. "Okay okay, I'm coming. Do we even know if Brendan will be at school today?"

"I don't know why he wouldn't be, he can't just skip school because he's avoiding us." Carter shrugged in agreement, tossing his apple core in the trash.

"Why are you so nervous anyway? You're biting your nails. You need to take a chill pill," Carter told me, turning onto the main road on our way to school.

"Well, I'm sorry that I'm worried about my brother who I haven't seen or heard from since Saturday. Are you even the least bit worried?" I snapped at him, rolling my eyes. Carter was silent and he continued to drive, and I instantly felt bad for snapping at him, but this whole situation was stressing me out and when I stress out I snap at people. I don't even know what's supposed to happen between Carter and I, we both basically admitted we wanted to be together, which sounds extremely weird in my head. Were we ever going to talk about it or just keep awkwardly skating around the fact that we both like each other...

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