Chapter 10

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{Authors note: this is the new and improved edited version. If you were reading the old version, it's in my works}


"So you're not going to make fun of me with the huge block on my leg?" Rachel asked, dunking her fry in ketchup and tossing it into her mouth. "Or when I repeatedly fall over on my crutches?"

"You never know, it really is a great opportunity." Justin smirked at his girlfriend while she rolled her eyes and disconnected herself from the conversation.

"Man, this McDonald's sucks," Carter complained with a frown. "The cashier just made me pay for another honey mustard cup." I patted Carter's leg as he sat down, defeated and pouting. The rest of us laughed and continued eating our food.

"This is going to get really annoying at school. How the hell am I supposed to go down the stairs? Who's going to hold my books?"

"Aw babe, let me go buy you a chocolate shake to cheer you up," Justin teased, but actually got out of his seat and went up to the cashier.

"And he'll no doubt carry your books for you. Even if he has class." I laughed with Carter and Rachel just scoffed, folding her arms over her chest. She knows we're right.

We finished and threw our trash away, and retreated to our cars after I hugged Rachel and told her I'd bring her anything she needed when she needed it. She cried a little bit, but we blamed it on the pain medicine.

Carter drove home, and the car ride was silent, but it wasn't bad. I just wanted to go home and take a nap to be honest, all of this shit with Rachel stressed me out so much that I am now exhausted and could probably sleep for 2 years.

"It's good that Rachel will be okay," He muttered, trying to fill the uncomfortable silence.

"Yeah, it is. I was so scared something bad happened." All of a sudden, the sky grew darker, and I looked outside and noticed the clouds turning dark grey with impending rain. "Since when was rain in the forecast today?" Just as I said that, I big clap of thunder rumbled outside.

"What the hell?" Carter muttered to himself, looking into the sky. The sky continued to get darker as he kept driving. "Shit..." He mumbled, stepping on the gas pedal a little harder. "We really need to get home before it starts-" Before Carter could finish his sentence, the clouds finally opened up with rain.

"Pouring..." He muttered, mostly to himself. He continued to speed down the street, and I had to watch for cops because he definitely was not going the speed limit in the slightest. I glanced over to Carter to see if I could tell what the hell he was thinking, but my eyes widened and my thought process stopped when I noticed that his eyes were glossy with tears. What the hell? Were my eyes playing tricks on me or something?

"Uh Carter? Are you okay?" I asked hesitantly. He clenched his hands tighter on the stirring wheel, eyes locked on the road.

"Yeah I'm fine," He responded, not even glancing my way.

"I don't believe that for a second," I scoffed, folding my arms across my chest.

"It's nothing Kristen, okay?" He replied, obviously irritated. I blinked a few times, caught off guard at his sour retaliation. What's up his ass? Carter never snaps at me. Sure, he's teased me all my life, but he has never actually gotten mad at me. Which made me even more discouraged than I was before. I stared straight into the rain, confused and frankly afraid to respond back. The awkward silence could be cut with a knife. Maybe.

"Look Kristen, I'm sorry I snapped at you. I feel like shit, I'm really sorry. It's just...I think I'm going to tell you something that I don't talk about to anyone, so promise you won't say anything?"

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