Chapter 4

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Picture of Tyler Johnson above. :)

*1 week later*

It's been a week since what happened between me and Trevor. I decided to go to his house and confess. I knocked on the door and Trevor opened it. Wait. He's got green eyes. It's Tyler.

"Hi Karla."

"Hi Tyler, is Trevor here?"

He looked at me concerned. "Umm no. Did he do something to you again?"

"No. We're sorta kinda going out...I think, but if you see him, can you tell him that I came by?"

"Sure." He said. I left and went to one place Trevor could possibly be at: the park. I got there and looked where we met at. I didn't see anything...anyone. Not even Trevor.

I sat down on the bench and looked down. "Look what you've done, Karla. You finally found someone you liked since two years and you lost him" I said to myself.

"Really?" Someone said. I looked up and saw Trevor. He smiled and sat by me. "So you do like me?"

"Yes, I do Trevor. But I didn't bound that to happen because something that happened two years ago."

"What happened?"

I sighed. "Well when I was in the 10th grade, I had my first boyfriend. He was the most kindest and sweetest person I've ever met. I loved him so much that I lost my virginity to him. But after that he..." Tears started to form in my eyes. "He never spoke to me again and I caught him having sex with someone else. And I didn't want you to do that to me."

He comforted me. "I would never do that to you. You're different from other girls I've met. You're classy, sweet, unique and beautiful. Any guy would be lucky enough to be with you."

I sniffled. "Do you really mean that Trevor?" He smiled. "Of course. Why would I lie? The girls I met I say they're sexy and fine. But I say you're beautiful. I call you babygirl for a reason." I laughed and looked down.

He brought my chin up and gave me the most sweetest kiss I've ever gotten. He broke it and said "I always wanted a girl like you. And I've never said this to another girl but, I love you Karla." He kissed me again.

"I'm sorry. I can't say the same thing. I have really strong feelings for you. That's all I can say. Not love. Not yet."

"I can accept that." He smiled and got up. He put out his hand and I reached for it. We started walking to the car. He grabbed me by my waist.

"Sooo where are we going?" I asked.

He smiled. "You'll see."

We were in the car talking and getting to know each other more and more by the minute.

~Trevor's POV~

"I've never bonded with a girl like this before" I thought.

We finally got there and Karla looked out of the window. I opened the door and helped her out. She looked around and saw the beautiful ocean.

I took off my shirt and ran into the water. I came back up. "Come on and get in." She laughed. "I don't have a bikini."

"So, take off your shirt and shoes."

She rolled her eyes playfully and took of her shirt and shoes. She dives in and comes back up. Her hair is all wet. I smile at her. She shakes her hair and it sprays everywhere. I laughed and she does too. I put her legs around me in the water and we dive in. We wave at each other underwater and smiled. I kissed her and we came back up. She whispers something in my ear and says......

"I love you Trevor."

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