Chapter 2

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Picture of Kayla Edwards above. :)

~Karla's POV~

The next day, I wanted to go for a walk. So I threw on a black shirt that says "I'm Single", a black denim skirt, and white boots to match my jacket and letters on my shirt.

I went to the park that I haven't been to in two years. I sat down on a bench by the waterfall, enjoying the view. I took a double take and saw a couple kissing each other a few yards ahead.

"Tyler" I thought. I was almost by then, until 4 guys surrounded me.

"Hey sweet thing, wanna come with me?" One tall and dark haired guy said.

The other one says "Looks like you need someone."

I rolled my eyes at their pathetic pick up lines and wanted to say "Yeah, but apparently not you" but instead I tough it. One guy started feeling on me. I moved away from his hand.

"Hey you better watch it or you won't have anything to touch when I'm done with you" I spat at him. I said it in an angry tone.

"Oh yeah? We'll see" he said, smirking. In a blink of an eye, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"HEY! LET ME GO!" I yelled.

"Hey" a voice said. I looked over the guy's shoulder and saw Tyler. I looked at his eyes and saw they were brown. It was Trevor.

When the guy turned to Trevor, I couldn't see him anymore.

"Hey, Tre, what's up?" One guy said.

"Put her down, guys."

"But Tre-"


He threw me down on the floor. "How rude" I thought. I got up and dust myself off. I walked up to Trevor looking furious.

"You! Give me that kiss back!"

He smirked. "Well hello to you, too, and sorry babygirl, no takebacks." He smiled even wider. "As a matter of fact, here you go." He licked my lips all over. I pushed him off in disgust.

"Ugh, you really are a pervert aren't you?" I said, wiping off my mouth.

"Ohh Trevor" a girl was over there on the bench doing the "come here" gesture looking completely horny.

He turned back to me and smirked. "You can join too."

I scoffed. "I'm going home."

"I'll drive you."

"I'd rather walk."

"So you can get raped?"

I sighed and looked at him. "You're not going to quit, aren't you?"

"Not unless you come over to my place."

It took me a while to think. He raised his eyebrow like saying "Well?"

Finally, I said "Fine. But two things. One, no sexual contact. And two, she's not coming."

"Done." He looked over at the girl and back at me. "One second." He walked over to the girl and whispered in her ear then tongue kissed her. I looked away. He came back to me.

"Bye Hailey."

"It's Ashley" the girl said.

"Whatever." He said. We walked to his car and I was a little impressed.

"Nice car."

He smiled. "Thanks. The girls love it." I rolled my eyes playfully. We got in and he drove. I looked out the window, watching objects pass by.

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