Chapter 29

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Blair chewed her bottom lip, holding her stomach, which was aching terribly from how nervous she was of Alicia's plan. She had no idea what the hell was going on, and, albeit the fact that Alicia and Johnny had everything under control somewhat eased her, but the fact that she was still in the dark, as was Dex. She hated suspense and surprise and Alicia knew that better than anyone else.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Blair gasped and ran to the door, looking into the looking hole. "Shit," she whispered before going into the bathroom and texting Alicia.

'LEESH, DEX IS HERE!' she texted


Blair felt her throat get thick and she came close to screaming in agony because she hated doing this to Dex, but it was the only way they could be together without Dianne. If Dianne knew that Dex was here... It would probably screw up Alicia and Johnny's plan, without a doubt.

Blair sobbed quietly in her bathtub. "Dear Lord, help me," she prayed, something she rarely did, despite her baptized faith being Catholic. "Help me be strong."

She waited for a reply, some sort of sign of God, but it was all wishful thinking. Nothing happened. Of course not.

"Blair?" Alicia said, entering the bathroom. "Blair, are you in the tub again?"

Blair sniffed and let out a muffled, "Maybe." She opened the curtain, exposing Alicia dressed in sweats and a tee-shirt. Blair was shocked. Alicia never dressed like that at home, much less with a guy. Johnny really meant a lot to Alicia for her to be comfortable enough to wear exactly what she was wearing.

"Want some ice cream?" Alicia asked.

"Yes, please..."

Alicia led Blair to the bedroom they shared. They each sat on their beds, Blair sighing and holding her pregnant stomach. "What if it doesn't work?"

"I will. I just told Dex that you had an abortion because you couldn't handle taking care of his baby and Dianne and him... and that you called to tell us he's been robbed. His money is 'gone.'" Alicia smiled. "Dex may not be gullible but I am a good liar. So, he fell for it."

"I feel bad, lying to him."

"Don't worry. That's why I'm lying to him. You're not. You're hiding from him and that's not bad. Just stay here. We'll call your ultrasound guy and get you two together for a little fake abortion. We'll give you whatever generous amount so that you and Dex can be together with a safe, healthy baby."

Blair smiled. "I really have the best friend in the world."

"I know I am," Alicia teased, pulling Blair up and hugging her. "Come on, baby girl. We got a show to put on."

Blair followed Alicia out after making sure Dex was gone. She drove the two of them to Chris's practice, where he was just about to close up.

"Chris!" Blair said.

"Blair. Hey! What's up?" the handsome gynecologist replied.

"I need your help."

"What's up?"

Blair looked at Alicia who took control of her lying. "Let's just say some stuff is going on and if we don't fake Blair's abortion, she can be seriously hurt."

Chris eyed both Alicia and Blair before opening back up. "This is gonna be free." He slid on a pair of gloves and Blair suddenly felt like she was in a Charlie's Angels or James Bond movie. She smiled slyly to herself, but made not a sound because of the situation.

"Chris," Blair said quietly. "Thank you."

"Anytime," he said. "Alright. Let's fake this abortion!"


"Thanks so much, Chris," Blair said, holding the paperwork in her hands. He smiled at the two women before they left. Blair felt bad, using Chris like this after she rejected him.

Alicia and Blair drove home, Blair looking left and right for any signs of Dianne. When there weren't any, she felt all tension leave her. She wondered what that crazy bitch was up to.


"What? Do you really think I care if Blair got an abortion?" Dianne said to a teary Dex. "Of course not, you dumbass! I don't give two shits about that baby. The only reason I'm taunting her is because I want the money. We'll get married and then, in ten years, we'll divorce and I'll get my weekly allowance in the mail, alright?"

Dex sniffed, feeling weak, but he was dead drunk and had just been extremely heartbroken by the news Alicia bore to him. "It doesn't even fucking matter, Dianne! I'm broke! I got nothing! Nada! I'm worthless! I don't give a fuck about what you fucking do anymore. I have no power! I have no wealth! I have nothing that you want. Okay? So, go ahead. Kill me. Stab me. Shoot me. I'm suffering-take away my pain. Just get it over with." I'm nothing without Blair, he said silently.

"No." Dianne said. "I like watching you suffer." She smiled devilishly. "Well, you're basically useless since you have nothing at all. So, I'm gonna leave."

And with that she was gone.

It was so easy.

In that moment, Dex realized something...

Dianne was gone.

This was Alicia's plan. She tricked him.

Damn deceitful girl.

Which meant...

He wasn't a broke-ass scumbag! He was a filthy rich scumbag and he still had Blair and the baby!

He saw that Dianne had driven off and he called a cab, taking it all the way to Blair's apartment. Finally, they could be together and be happy.

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