Chapter 2

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Alicia was dressed to kill. In more ways than one.

Her friend, Blair, had just seen her fiancé Brandon cheat on her. And he didn't stop when she caught him. So now, it was time for revenge.

Clubbing was by far the best way to get revenge. Get sexified, get laid, and problems disappeared.And they fully intended to do that. Or, at least Alicia did.

If she saw Brandon, she was gonna beat his ass up. She didn't care if she'd get arrested- she'd just rip off his head and shove it so far up his ass he'd be forever constipated. And when he saw the two of them, he'd wish he'd never cheated on Blair.

Alicia was wearing her signature LBD. Long sleeves, skin tight, and so low cut, if she bent down, guys would get a good nip-slip. Not that she was complaining. To enhance her runner's legs, she wore 5-inch heels, with rhinestones on the heel. And she looked good.

Blair went for something a bit more conservative, but just as sexy. A midnight blue mini, it fell about halfway down her thigh, and flared out. She paired it with a pair of electric blue heels and jewelry. Dressed to kill. All the way.

But Alicia wasn't there to kill. She was there to get sloppy drunk and get thoroughly fucked. And boy, did she.

Once inside the club, Blair ordered us a pair of Fuzzy Navels, to start out slow. But she had a shot of tequila, just for a confidence booster. More like 3 shots. Or maybe more...

After drinking steadily, Blair pulled her by the hand, and told her to come dance. And they did.

Getting the attention of a guy while dancing at a club was important. You can show him your sexy ass, as well as your flirty yet demure side. And the best way to get attention was grinding on your best friend.

Blair hooked her arms around Alicia's waist, pulling me closer. As she moved her butt in circles on Blair's stomach, a small huddle of drooling men formed around them. They didn't stop. If anything, that encouraged them.

Alicia got thirsty, so she whispered to Blair that she was gonna get a shot. She walked to the bar, and sat down. Damn, heels hurt, she thought.

She knocked down her shot of Jack, and started to get up, when a deep male voice interrupted her.

"Let me fill that up for you."

She giggled, and turned to the bartender. "Shot of Jaeger, please." He complied, and smirked at Alicia.

Alicia turned around to thank the guy, but he was gone. Turning back to her seat, she saw a napkin with scribbles on it. Looking closer, the napkin said, "Meet me in the back in 5 minutes."

She was tipsy, and didn't care. So she went.

Alicia tiptoed to the back room, and opened the door. As soon as she walked through the door, a set of muscular arms wrapped around her. A pair of lips kissed down her neck and over her collarbone, and trailed their way to her right breast.

Spinning around, she pinned the guy's arms over his head with one of her own, and flicked the light switch.

Oh. My. God. He was so damn hot. Geez. It should be illegal to be that hot.

"What do you want? And I'm sorry if I hurt you. But just saying, you're way too hot to be a paedophile. And if you're underaged, sorry, but I'm so gonna do you when I get my answers." Oh, crap. She said that out loud. Damn.

He chuckled, the vibrations ringing through my jaw and spine. "You didn't hurt me. I'm thirty-one years old, so not a pedophile. I wouldn't mind if you did me, and my name's Dexter. But you can call me Dex."

She smiled seductively, and ran her hand down his chest, stopping at his best buckle. "Well, Mr. Dex. I guess you should get started in doing me."

He picked her up, whirled around, and slammed her against the wall, while grinding against her. Not that she minded.

He kissed her, his tongue sweeping through her lips to massage her own. Alicia moaned into the kiss, entangling her hands in his soft hair.

Well. She was gonna do a hot guy who might be crazy in the back room of a dingy bar.

She crossed that off her bucket list.

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