Chapter 21

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"Ugh. I feel like crap." Alicia moaned and sat up on her hospital bed, as her side was lanced with pain.

"Well, you were only in a car accident, silly." Johnny's voice came from the corner, as he strutted from his perch.

"Well, no shit. Thanks for the update." Blair's scornful tone came from Alicia's left- Blair had just placed a vase of tulips on the side table. Grasping her friend's hand, tears glittered in her eyes.

"Blair... Are you feeling okay?" Alicia's hand, covered in IV tubes, was laced through Blair's, providing comfort.

"No. I'm not okay. At all. If you want to know what happened, ask your loving boyfriend. He's sure to know." Brushing past Johnny, shoulders shaking, Blair practically cantered to the bathroom in the room, and slammed the door shut.

Alicia slowly turned her head towards Johnny. Eyes glittering with growing anger, she sat up more, and looked down her nose at him. "What did you do? What the hell have you done? You know she's had bad experiences with men, especially Brandon! Why would you hurt h-"

Alicia cut herself off, and inhaled sharply through her nose. "It was Dex, wasn't it." It wasn't a question.

Johnny hesitated, and gave Alicia just long enough to cut in.

"Was it Dex or wasn't it!?" Alicia hollered, and elicited a response from Blair.

"He's the only guy I'm fucking, so I'm going with yes." Blair's voice was filled with poison, and each word brought a sour taste to her mouth. "But you've fucked him too. It's all right. We both went through heartbreak with the son of a bitch."

Johnny rotated towards Alicia, horror in his eyes and expression. "I know you two slept together, but really? Dex? He's the best you could come up with? I thought you were better than that."

Alicia shrugged, trying to remain nonchalant even as she felt a rising panic balloon in her chest. "Yes. It was for stress release."

"While we're airing things out in the open, I fucked Dex as well." A throaty voice permeated the air, as a curvy brunette sauntered through the open door.

All the air rushed out of Johnny's lungs, and he had to cough to talk. "Dianne. Here for another vaginal rejuvenation?"

"Here for more Botox?" Dianne countered his attack, and smiled when Johnny blushed.

"Oh... my god. You've had Botox? Do you know how many chemicals you're injecting into your face?" Alicia snickered, and smiled when Johnny turned beet red.

"Just to stop my arms from sweating excessively." Johnny muttered.

Dianne chuckled, and pranced over to Alicia's bed. "There are a few things we need to discuss. Mainly, Dex. Who's mine, by the way."

"Okay, he's not yours, I don't see his name tattooed on name body. Nor do you have ownership." Alicia sighed, and turned over.

"I do. Here. Wanna see?" Dianne unbuttoned her shirt, and Johnny turned away for modesty's sake. Dex's name was emblazoned on the side of her breasts, already swollen from a fresh implant.

"Oh my God. You're frickin nuts." Blair came out of the bathroom, with her eyes slightly swollen. "You're certifiably insane!"

"Just to cement that thought, I do own him. But not monetarily speaking." Dianne smiled softly, and her grin grew wider as Alicia turned around and sat up.

"What the hell are you talking about? How is that even possible?"

"Let's make this easy for you to understand. He took a leaf out of 50 Shades of Grey, and became my sub. Only for a month or two, but it was enough for him to sign a contract saying he could see no one else while he was still my sub. And those few months were long enough to turn him into a fabulous dominant. So, while he was fucking you, or Blair, and me, he was thinking about hurting you, watching you bleed, and scream as he whipped the life out of you. Now- this bargain is simple- give me Dex, and I won't run you over again."

"Holy shit. You ran Alicia over? What kind of a nut job are you?" Johnny's voice shook with anger, and he flinched when Dianne laughed harshly.

"I'm the nut job that gets what she wants. And this is me, getting what I want. So. Consider my offer, wisely. It may be the last chance you'll ever get to save her child." The last comment was directed at Blair, who turned white as a sheet.

"I have no child. I'm not even pregnant!"

"Take a test, honey. You'll see. Let's talk later, Johnny. More... privately." Dianne pulled Johnny in for a kiss, and smiled when she felt his growing erection.

The door slammed shut, and Alicia stared in awe at her weeping friend and aroused boyfriend. "And this all happened yesterday? Where was I, dead?"

"No. You were asleep when I saw it." Blair's voice was hollow, and she sank to her knees, clutching her lower abdomen. "I'm not pregnant, I can't be. My period was last month!"

Johnny spoke up, and his voice cracked. "I'll go buy you a test." He turned to Alicia, and tried to kiss her forehead, but she pulled away, and he when she cocooned herself in more blankets.

Alicia sat up, curled up, and promptly burst into tears. "She ran me over. She ran me over. She... ran me over, because I fucked him twice. Why does this happen to me? First when I was raped, they told me I couldn't have kids. I get pregnant from fucking Dex once, and then I lose the kid. Then, just to put a cherry on top, I get run over by some sadistic dominatrix. I can't get a break, can I?"

Blair didn't respond, and Alicia huffed in annoyance.

The door clicked open, and Dex walked in with Johnny in tow. Johnny held up a brown paper bag, and mouthed to Alicia, "He doesn't know."

Blair took the bag, and went into the bathroom.

The door shut, and Alicia promptly shot out of bed, and smacked Dex hard, and chuckled when her ring cut his cheek. "You hurt her. So much. You said you loved her, and yet you can't even trust her with your past. What kind of a sorry relationship is that?"

"I never said I love her to her, but I know. I'm so sorry. Is Blair okay? Can I help her?"

"You can help by leaving. Let her heal." Johnny spoke up, and his voice was gentle with concern.

Alicia laughed, and took both men by the arms. "You can both leave." And they did, peacefully.

Alicia knocked on the bathroom door, and spoke through the disinfected plastic. "They're gone. Are you okay?"

The door swung open, to reveal a softly crying Blair hunched on the sink, with a stick in her hands. Alicia went over, and took the stick from her friend, and looked at it.

"Two lines. What does that mean?"

Blair looked up, and her eyes had aged a thousand years in ten minutes. "It means I'm pregnant."

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