Chapter 14

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Johnny frowned. Dex had slept with Alicia? And he knew that Alicia was his girlfriend for how many years?

Well, ex-girlfriend... Same difference since they were back together.

He was twenty-one when they broke up, twenty-four when they stopped talking... He hadn't really dated since, despite that he was the one who broke up with her. He debated with himself, looking at the CEO's office door, a surprisingly, curiously happy Blair typing away at God-knows-what on her computer. A phone rang and he heard the frumpy brunette answer with a cheery, "Good afternoon. Richards Enterprise. This is Blair Davenford, Mr. Richard's secretary, speaking. How may I help you?"

He decided to knock on that son of a bitch's door.

He strode past Blair, who was writing on a notepad, and entered Dex's office. The thirty-one year old's head shot up. "You sick bastard."

"I swear. I didn't do it... Wait, what did I not do?"

"How could you? You knew I loved her. You knew she was the one I was waiting for. Why would you sleep with her?"

"Who are we talking about again?" Dex asked, narrowing his eyes in confusion.

"Alicia! She's the love of my life and you went and impregnated her! She had a miscarriage and you didn't give a fucking shit! It was your God damn baby."

"Hey," Dex barked. "You think I don't care? I did-I do-care. I'm sorry, man. I didn't know this was the girl you were talking about."

"I told you about it after I came back from the club a few months ago!"

"Oh, so you did tell me... To be honest, you were a bit blurry that night."

"Blur... What? Why?"

"It just so happens that I kind of went out that night too."

"With some whore?"

"Look. That's none of your God damn business. I'll sleep with whomever I want when I want if I want! But I haven't slept with that wide vagina ex and current girlfriend of yours in ages. She's old news to me. And if you want to deal with her, just know that your small ass dick might get stuck in her fucking black hole."

"You bastard," Johnny murmured before diving at Dex, fist in the gut. But Dex was like a boulder. He hurt Johnny's hand without even doing anything, but Johnny wouldn't notice that until later, after he'd calm down and all traces of adrenaline would disappear. But with each hit, Dex didn't budge. "Alicia probably told you she was gonna be there and you dove in like an eagle and stole her from me, you stool."

Dex's face twisted. "What? No. I wasn't there with Alicia. I was there with Blair."

Johnny relaxed, his hand stinging from punching Dex's rock hard abs. "You were... Blair? What? Did you impregnate her too?"

"No. Blair and I... Johnny, I took her to Dynasty because we were working late that night. We saw you and Alicia but you guys never saw us."

"What are you talking about?"

"Alicia never planned anything with me that night. She went with you."

Johnny blinked, realization washing over him. "How'd she get pregnant then, with your kid?"

"We slept together not long before, but that was before Blair became my secretary. Before I knew that was the girl you were talking about. And a little after, but that was it."

"So, you're not into her?"

"I'm long over her. You know how I feel about-" He stopped. The door opened. "Blair!" Dex greeted, surreptitiously and simultaneously completing his sentence.

"Umm... Dex, we have to talk about the presentation...," Blair said shyly.

"Oh. Umm, Johnny. Do you mind-?"

"Nah, man. It's cool. I'll see you around." Johnny was just about out the door, when he spun around and said, "Oh. I'm sorry, man. About assuming. You know what they say!"

"What do they say?"

"Never assume! That'll just make an 'ass' out of 'U' and 'me,'" he joked. Dex and Blair laughed. Johnny smiled, shutting the door and walking out, curious of the 'presentation' Dex and Blair were talking about.

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