Chapter 20

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"The police think that the hit was... premeditated."

Dex chewed nervously on his nails as Johnny's words ran through his mind. He had to keep his cool. For Blair. Because God knew she was shaking as well. What if Alicia hadn't had that miscarriage? What if she was still pregnant?

Dex couldn't bear the thought.

He paused. What if she still was pregnant? He knew he wouldn't have left her, although, with her behavior and his attraction to Blair, it would not have been easy. But he would have stay all the time. It had been about five months since she discovered she had a miscarriage.

Would they have been together right now? Would he feel the same about Blair as he did now? And Alicia?

He would most definitely feel the same about Blair, that was all he knew. But she wouldn't feel the same about him. Most likely. She never fell for any guy that Alicia had been with.

He pursed his lips and pushed the thought out of his mind. What if Blair had never been fired? Well, they would have never met. Alicia would have never called Johnny. And Johnny was too much of a wimp to call Alicia. He would probably be with some other secretary or easy female right now. He hated the fact that he loved to be with easy women.

Loved. Past tense.

He was in love with the fact that Blair wasn't easy. She was a challenge. She was fun to chase. And even though she was basically his now, she still didn't just give into him. She gave him a good tease, and he loved that about her. Hell, he wouldn't be so surprised if he... loved her...

He loved her.

Dex paused, glancing up at Blair. She was sitting beside Alicia, holding the blonde's hand. Alicia seemed to be trying to make a joke and Blair laughed lightly. But Dex saw past their façade amd either of them were trying to be strong for each other. At least, that's what he interpreted from the girl ones of it all.

He put his head in between his knees. He didn't care if he looked like he was smelling his crotch. He didn't want anything bad to happen to Alicia anymore. He knew if she got hurt, Blair would be hurt, which would be incredibly painful to him. He didn't want Blair to hurt.

Johnny appeared next to Dex suddenly. He grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it. Dex looked up, looking at Johnny, before letting his eyes linger on Blair. "Hey, man. Let's go get some burgers. They're having emotional girly time, and we should let them be."

"Yeah, sure. Sounds good."

The two men stood and walked out, Dex forcing his eyes to pry away from Blair's beautiful face and shiny, teary eyes.

"So, you and Blair, huh?" Johnny teased, obviously attempting to lighten the mood. Dex noticed this, so he decided to play along. It was Johnny's way of coping.

Dex chuckled, smirking slightly. He shoved his hands in his pockets. "Kind of... It's complicated, man, you know? I wish I could just tell her everything, give her the world... And so much more." He clicked his tongue. "Man, I sound like a fifteen-year old girl."

Johnny chortled. "Nah, man. You're in love. It's normal. You know, life is much more than sex. It's about love as well."

"Well, sex was all a big... mishap, for lack of a better word. But love? I don't know... I want to love her and tell her all of my secrets and all that cheesy shit. It's, like, she's the only other person on this planet. Why did I fall in love with her?"

"She's hot, for starters. You know, perk."

Dex laughed. "That's definitely a bonus, but she's so much more than that. She's intelligent, funny, beautiful, she has the best sense of humor. She's caring... I just don't know, man... She's perfect, too good for me. I just don't want to fuck things up... again."

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