Chapter 7

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Seeing Alicia and Johnny at Dynasty Bar and Club was awkward, needless to say. Dex and Blair walked in and saw them on the counter flirting the night away. Alicia seemed intoxicated, whereas Johnny seemed... rather sober. At least compared to his date.

But Blair's best friend didn't seem to notice her and Dex walking on the other side of the bar, where the club lay.

Dex squeezed Blair's wrist and smiled at her. Blair returned the look and sighed, pushing her nutmeg colored curls out of her face, the natural caramel highlights looking darker in the lighting of the bar. The sat down at a booth and grabbed some menus.

"Oh, Lord. Everything looks delicious...," Blair blurted, looking at the menu, sipping her drink, Sex on the Beach.

Dex watched her, smirking. "It does. Order anything you want, it's on me."

Blair looked up, blushing. "Dex. I can't just-"

Dex chuckled, amused. "Blair. It's this or you're fired," he reminded her jokingly. She rolled her eyes and laughed. "Choose anything... No salads."

She mentally cursed, pulling her eyes from the Cesar chicken salad that she was going to get. "Umm... Oh. Okay. I know just what I'm going to get."

"Great." He pressed his lips into a playful smile. "I'm not all that hungry. Want to dance? We can eat afterwards?"

Her stomach growled in argument, but her brain and heart decided otherwise. "Sure. But, wouldn't this make things awkward at work."

"Only if you make it awkward. Come on, loosen up. Have some fun. Be a twenty-something year old while you can!" She laughed and agreed. "Wonderful." He grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the dance floor.

She felt awkward at first, wearing her ankle length skirt and stiletto heels, but Dex took her loose bun and yanked her hair down. Her curls came cascading down past her shoulders. He leaned in. "Let go," he said in her ear over the pounding music.

She sighed and nodded. He placed his hands on her hips and she wrapped his arms around his neck. He pressed her to him and she felt his groin against her. God, what a package...

"Do you have anything on underneath your skirt?"

"My leggings?"

"Perfect," he said. She furrowed her eyebrows before he lifted her and slid her skirt off easily. She gasped, her long shirt just barely covering her butt. He took the initiative and even undid some of her shirt buttons. She looked at him, absurd.

"What are you-"

"You look hot. Now dance!"

She rolled her eyes and he lead her to the center of the dance floor, where there was hardly any room to walk. He grabbed her waist from behind. "Are you too scared to dance with your boss?"

Offended, she replied, "No! I can do anything I want!"

"Then prove it."

Blair sighed, remembering some tips her old therapist used to tell her about relaxing and having fun. She pulled him closer and began to grind on him. According to his friend, he liked it. As did Blair. He grabbed her hips as she ground against him.

Gaining confidence, she spun on her stiletto heels and began to grind on him that way. He moved his body against hers in a rhythm. "Oh, God," he said in her ear. "I would so do you if I could."

"What's stopping you?" she asked confidently, grabbing his crotch and rubbing it. He groaned and pressed his body impossibly closer to hers.

"My position over yours."

"Was that a pun?"

"Maybe," he said, smirking.

Manian began playing and he danced against Blair, chest to chest. She laughed and ordered another Sex on the Beach. Dex spun her once, laughing as she gasped and pulled her close to him, his hard groin pressed against her crotch. The bartender brought the drink over and Blair inhaled it. Dex smiled at her and the two danced, Blair lost in the amount of alcohol she'd absorbed, the music pounding in her ears, and Dex dancing with her.

She lost all focus when she felt his erection, and she bit her lip, grinding against him.


Dex watched Blair let go of everything as she danced happily and smiled to himself.


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