Chapter Thirteen - Alexa

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We spent the rest of the night, until nearly midnight, playing games. It was truly such a great time. I had missed my family, the Coopers, and Katie so much, not to mention Spencer. The night was quite spectacular, and I don't think I even realized how lonely I was at college. In a way, Katie was my home, more than I ever knew, and being away from her felt like being away from just everything. I needed to be with her more, and with Spencer. It was so hard having both of them so far from me.

"Well guys, I think it's about time your old parents get to sleep," my dad announced.

"Yeah, let me just grab the rest of that wine for you, and I can store it at my house. I'm sure your fridge doesn't have enough space for it," Jennifer laughed before pulling Jack with her. "Thank you for such a great evening!"

Jennifer was always taking stuff from our house, but I really didn't mind. If something could help Katie's family, then that's all that mattered.

"Yeah, I'm out. This has been way too much family time," Lucas winked as he walked up the stairs.

"Thank you so much for having us over. Alexa, I'll meet you in the tree in an hour?" Katie smiled.

"Sure thing, boss," I responded.

Aidan went with Katie back to her house, and Spencer came upstairs with me. We cuddled up on my bed, me as the little spoon and Spencer as the big. It was so peaceful, and it felt so familiar after not even seeing Spencer for months.

After a few minutes of snuggles, Spencer grabbed his phone and moved away from me to sit up with his legs spread out across my bed.

"So, Alexa. I have something to tell you," Spencer glanced at me.

"Oh, yeah? Do you have a secret girlfriend who's been your sneaky link for the last 3 months?" I laughed. Spencer's face looked mortified. "I'm joking! I know you wouldn't do that."

"You caught me a little off guard there, Lex. You're not actually worried about me doing that, though, are you?" Spencer frowned.

"No! No, of course not! Now, what were you going to tell me?" I calmed.

"Well, I applied to go to UNC in September, and just yesterday I got an email back from them," Spencer started. I didn't know what to think. I was so happy that Spencer did all of this just to be closer to me! If Katie couldn't be with me, at least Spencer could, and he would make college so much better. He could help me with the classes I struggled in because he was already a year ahead of me, and he would brighten my life every single day!

"Oh my gosh, Spencer! Did you get in?" I shrieked.

"I don't know yet. I was waiting for you to open the email," Spencer shrugged. "I forwarded it straight to you so that you could tell me if I got in or not."

I pulled my phone off its charger faster than lightning and logged into my email immediately. Sure enough, the email from UNC was right on top. I opened it, prepared for whatever I was about to read.

Dear Spencer,

Congratulations! We are pleased to offer you admission to UNC Chapel Hill for Spring 2021.

I wanted to scare him by scowling, or saying "frick you!" and screaming at my phone, but my smile betrayed me, and I hugged Spencer so hard.

"I am so proud of you! We are going to have the best time together at UNC," I sniffled. I couldn't believe I was crying just over this, but I had missed Spencer so much that all I wanted was to be near him all the time. Gosh, I was such a baby.

"What do you say we do a little bit of celebrating?" Spencer grinned.

"Way ahead of you," I laughed, diving under the covers to undress. "You coming?"

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