Chapter Ten - Katie

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It was finally Thanksgiving Break! I was so excited to finally be going back home.

My mom got to my dorm around 8:00 on Sunday. I made sure that the other bed was ready for her to sleep there. I even went to the store to get blue sheets that she could sleep on. We had a lot of fun together. We played cards while I told her about what college was like and the Tisch program.

We left as early as we could the next morning and started heading home. I drove us because my mom wanted to make sure that I stayed in practice while I was in college.

I thought about everything that I missed about home. Alexa, the Mendoza's, Jack, Joe, Aiden, Potato, my room and my house, Wired, Hannah and Reagan, just everything. I wanted to be back so badly. The closer we got the more excited I was to see Alexa. I knew that us being together would feel like nothing had changed.

My mom kept asking me questions about college.

"What are all of the other students like?"

"Well, they're fine."

"Tell me all about all of them!"

"I think there's too many for that."

"Then just tell me about your friends. I'm sure you've made tons!"

I hadn't really noticed until now, but I really didn't have any friends at NYU. There were a few people that I would talk to in my classes, but I wouldn't consider them my friends. I completely forgot about how I wanted to make so many new friends and meet so many new people there.

"Uh, you know, they're all... nice."

"Well that's good, honey."

"Yeah, it's uh... great."

I felt a little awkward after that. I couldn't believe that I really hadn't made any friends. That was embarrassing!

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