Chapter Seven - Alexa

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My classes were a lot harder than expected. I know that I wasn't a straight-A student back in high school, but these college courses were really hard. My first English paper I got a C+. I really wanted to call Katie for help, but she was busy with her acting program and I couldn't call Spencer because he had conditioning for basketball.

I just wanted Thanksgiving Break to get here fast. I missed my parents and, surprisingly, I even missed Lucas.

I had hoped that Spencer would visit me at least once before we went back home, but he didn't. I started thinking that long distance wouldn't work for us until the end of the school year. Katie and Aiden seemed to be doing good, but I needed to see Spencer. I decided to call Aiden.

"Hey Aiden."

"Hi, Alexa. How are you doing?"

"Well, I wanted to ask you something. You and Katie seem to be doing great even with the long distance thing. How do you do it?"

"Well, we text a lot and we just count down the days until we can see each other again."

"Yeah, maybe I should do that. Thanks, Aiden."

"No problem. See you at Thanksgiving."

"See you."

"Alexa? Can you please answer question 9?" Professor Carter called.

"Um, yeah. 23?"

"Incorrect. Stacy, can you please show Alexa how to solve the problem?"

"I'd love to!" Stacy responded happily."

I know that I should've been happy to have the help, but Stacy was the biggest teacher's pet I'd ever met. Not to mention that she was Lizzy's best friend. She was in our dorm almost constantly. I might even go as far as to blame her for the fact that I had a C in math. She stayed over until 1 AM almost every night singing karaoke with Lizzy. I could never get any homework done!

"Thanks, Stacy," I forced a smile.

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