Chapter One - Alexa

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Going to the University of North Carolina had been something I imagined doing with Katie. We always did everything together and now I felt so alone.

When I got to my dorm, my roommate was already there and she had filled the room with items from her house.

She took the bed on the left side and hung up many posters and pictures from her corner all along the wall to my corner. A window was in the middle of the room and two desks were at the end of each of our beds. On her desk she set up a light and had tons of school supplies set out and organized. On my desk she put her bags and suitcases that she'd emptied into our closet and drawers. I turned around and saw the wall across from the window was also full of her posters and she had put LED lights around the TV.

I decided to look past the amount of space she had already taken up and get to meet her instead.

"Hi! I'm Alexa. What's your name?"

"Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Lizzy."

"Nice to meet you too! This is my mom," I pointed to my mom who was standing behind me, "and my dad," I motioned to my dad who was holding my suitcase.

"Oh, your parents came with you? Most of us just drove ourselves," Lizzy commented.

I knew that this would upset my mom because she would never let me go alone without helping me get setup and seeing my dorm.

"Well, my parents wanted to say bye to me and see my dorm. Thanks for being concerned though," I said in my sarcastic voice, trying to sound nice.

"Ok then. Well, feel free to make yourself comfortable. I set all of my stuff up so just put your stuff where my stuff isn't," Lizzy instructed. "And don't touch anything that's mine."

"Well, she's gonna be a lot to deal with," my mom whispered into my ear.

"Let's just get Alexa set up and she can get to know Lizzy a bit better once we leave," my dad whispered back, trying to calm my mom.

Once my room was finally set up, being only about ¼ me and ¾ Lizzy, I decided to take a look around campus. Lizzy offered to bring me to a party she was going to that night, but I didn't want to be tired for my first day of college.

My mom and dad went with me to look around campus themselves. I found all of my classes for the semester and a few places to eat. My parents decided around 6:30 that they'd better get home because Lucas was kicked out of his second apartment and was living at home again. This meant eating Mom's dinner every night because he didn't know how to use a stove.

I found my way back to the dorm and luckily Lizzy wasn't there when I arrived. However, she definitely made sure I knew that she had been there.

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