Chapter Three - Alexa

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Everything I put up in the dorm was gone. Half of the clothes in my suitcase that I had crammed into the only empty drawer left were thrown on the ground to be replaced by Lizzy's clothes.

I could tell that Lizzy was going to be even worse than Freshman Gwenny Thompson. I had to do something to get payback.

Lizzy's party was until midnight, so I had plenty of time to ruin her side of the room.

First, I emptied half of the drawers and put my clothes into the vacant ones. I did my best to shove the rest of Lizzy's clothes into her four drawers, but I was left with 5 shirts and 2 pairs of jeans. I decided to fold them up and put them on her nightstand.

Next, I took down all of her posters and pictures that went past the halfway point of the window. I filled in any gaps she had on her side of the room with them and layered a few photos.

Then, I moved to the closet. She had every hanger taken, so I took off all of her shirts and left the dresses and folded them into a flat bin that could fit under her bed. I then hung up the rest of my clothes on the empty hangers.

When putting her clothes under the bed, I found the pictures that I had on the wall and decided to put those back up too.

The last thing I needed to do was clear off my desk. I put her bags and suitcase under her bed next to the clothes from the closet. It was 9:15 by the time I finished.

I decided that I needed to do something to keep her from messing up my things again. I walked to the hardware store and bought locks that would hold my drawers tightly shut to each other unless someone put in the code to unlock them. I also bought locks that would allow me to lock my hangers to the rack so Lizzy couldn't steal any of my dresses and nicer shirts.

I was so upset about the whole thing that I had to call Katie.

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