Flushed But Never Forgotten

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At night The turtles and Lizzie were on the roof of the a building while it was raining

Lizzie: *Yawn* couldn't this wait until morning?

She sneezed

Lizzie: And not in the rain?

Mikey: No! You have to believe me! Piebald's back! She's after us because we flushed her!

Raph: Relax! I'm not a scientist but this is one hundred percent just your guilt glands secreting guilt into your central guilt system

Donnie: Raph is right. He is not a scientist but separately he was also right that this Piebald jazz is in your head

Mikey: No it's not. We have to tell Dad the truth!

Lizzie: based on what you told me that might be best

Leo: no it's not! We're not telling dad anything! Look we all miss her but a year ago we stood on this roof and decided-

Mikey: You decided!

Leo: WE decided to replace Piebald with an identical fish dad's heart wouldn't be broken. He wins we win and Piebald wins

Mikey: Piebald got flushed!!

Donnie: Uh If I may Leo's idea about the whole not getting into trouble thing very convincing.

Raph: I second that!

Leo: thank you! What do you think Liz?

Lizzie: well I guess what Splinter doesn't know can't hurt him

Mikey: What?!

Leo: See? Even you get it! Looks like everyone agrees with me that we renew our path of secrecy and never tell dad the truth. One two three let's go

They all put their hands together

Raph: yep eternal silence. Back to the lair!

Lizzie: finally

She sneezed again


Back at the lair mikey thought he saw Piebald and ran up the others

Mikey: AHH!!

Leo: what?! Use your words!

Mikey: it's Piebald! She's after me!

Leo: Forget the name! Does the pact of secrecy mean nothing to you? I say we lock Mikey up till morning

Lizzie: Huh?

Donnie: Yes

Raph: Yeah

???: genius idea Leo

Leo turned around

Leo: fantastic the wall agree's

Lizzie: Wait what?

Piebald became visible

Piebald: hey guys it's me Piebald! Remember? But now your new friend is my mortal enemy!

Raph Donnie and Mikey: AHHH!

Lizzie: ok that's just a stereotype. Even though you're not wrong...

Leo: Also she's a mutant now


The five of them hid in the kitchen

Donnie: I don't know what's more unsettling the giant goldfish or the possibility that Mikey may be right!

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