Snow Day

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In Central Park Raph pushed a big snow ball down a small hill

Raph: snow day its so
magical and new there
Is so much we can do

Then Leo pushed another snowball down the same hill

Leo: snow day and no
training only fun we've
only just begun I'm so
glad I'm here with you!

Both of the snowballs landed on top on Mikey

Donnie: snow day the
barometric pressure is
so low but my heart is
all aglow by revving up
my tech bo!

He used his tech bo to shape the snowball into a person and Mikey added accessories

Donnie: hahahaha!

Mikey: snow day our
snowman is the best
jupiter jim fans attest

His goat ripped and it was now a vest

Mikey: omigosh my
coat's a vest!

Lizzie added a scarf to the snowman

Lizzie: snow day its all
crystal clear when my
friends are near and
a happy new year!

April: snow day we all
should be proud snow
day all together sing
out loud!

April added a helmet to the snowman

All: snow day hooray!

Leo: Great job fam and Donnie I guess

Donnie: If I weren't so enchanted  by the beauty of our replica Jupiter Jim I'd probably say something like 'Look over there' Push!

Donnie pushed Leo into the snow

Leo: Hey!

Lizzie helped Leo stand up

Lizzie: at least it's like landing on a pillow right?

Leo: oh yeah that's true! You having fun Liz?

Lizzie: super cold but yeah I definitely needed this snow day

Raph: for the cherry on top this flag from Jupiter Jim Sails The Seven Galaxies!

Mikey: Best JJ Movie of all time baby!

Lizzie: the fight scenes are awesome!

April: What the what?

She threw the flag in Raph's face

April: Hold up Skip. Jupiter Jim Pluto vacation 4 is the best JJ movie of all time!

Donnie: Ranked by us just now. So It's basically official no arguing

Raph Leo and Mikey started laughing

Leo: Jupiter Jim Pluto vacation? Where JJ spends the entire time searching for ice before realizing the surface of Pluto is ice?

April: Uh yeah and every time we watch you laugh your heads off

Mikey: Because Raph always falls asleep and breaks something with his face!

Lizzie: last time it was the projector and we had to buy a new one

Raph: Yeah my face takes damage like a boss Leo hit me!

Donnie: Oh please let me!

All: No!

Lizzie pushed Donnie out of the way before he could attack Raph

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