Cat Vs Sewer

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Donnie Leo Mikey and Lizzie were in the sewers watching Raph freak out. They were all wearing bathing suits

Mikey: Uh oh Donnie forgot to text Raph we were running late

Donnie: Oh sweet sweet Angelo how soon you forget that today I am on vacation. Hence my board shorts

He was wearing shiny purple shorts

Donnie: the international sign for 'I'm not a useful member of society'

Leo: We only left the guy alone for five minutes and we told him we had to find tubes!

Lizzie: I just needed to find a bathing suit since I don't usually go swimming

Leo: did I mention you look hot?

Lizzie: *blushes* Y-Yes

Mikey: This is a job for Dr. Delicate Touch... GET YOUR MIND RIGHT SON!

Raph got scared and fell into the water

Raph: What took so long? You know Raph gets weird when I'm left alone!

Lizzie: I didn't know that happens to you. Are you ok?

Raph: yeah I'll be fine...

Leo: Relax. Did you get a tube?

Raph held a tire from the turtle tank

Leo and Mikey: Whoa!

Donnie: where did you get that?

Raph: Uh...

Lizzie could've sworn she heard something fall in the lair

Raph: I-I borrowed it from... splinter?

Donnie: Splinter who only owns robes and a shady past let you-

Leo puts Donnie's tube over his body and tosses him into the water. Then everyone else got in there tubes and into the water

Raph: Tube time!

Lizzie: we definitely earned this vacation!

Leo: agreed!

Donnie: Okay men and cat New York sewers are a dangerous and complex labyrinth-

Mikey: Full of creatures and games and rides? This is gonna be amazing!

Don What? No! Where do you think we are? Just take every left turn to stay on the lazy river capisce?

Raph: Whatever Donnie. Mad Dogs ahoy!

The five of them floated in the water for a bit

Leo. Ain't this the life? A day off from Splinter's training to kick back and bask in the luxury of-

Raph: Dunk-a-roo!

Raph did a cannon ball into the sewer water

Lizzie: nice one Raph! I wish I got that on video

Donnie: Can't you guys just do a sports pass with your smelly ball or something?

Raph: Who you calling smelly? Lace Face has been part of this family longer than you

He held a red football

Raph: Now let's run the Midnight Special!

Raph threw the football into the air and Mikey caught it

Mikey: Look alive Leo!

Mikey kicked the football back to Leo who caught it

Leo: trick passing! Your up Liz!

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