Mrs. Cuddles

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In the lair the turtles April splinter and Lizzie were watching TV

Raph: Congrats on the acting job April! I'm so happy for you I could punch a rainbow.

April: It's just a tiny basic cable show

Lizzie: it's still a job and you have to start somewhere right?

April: That's true Liz!

Leo: Say how'd you like to sit in the front row Raph?

Raph: Okay!

Raph sat in front of the TV and a commercial started

April (on the TV): Hi kids. It's time for the Laffy Fun Time Hour with Mrs Cuddles!

Raph saw the doll and started to freak out

Lizzie: Raph you ok?

Raph: y-yeah I'm-!

Mrs Cuddles (on the TV): Let's be friends forever

Raph: AHHH!!!

He hid behind the couch and everyone laughed except Lizzie. She started comforting Raph

Donnie: It's just as good as I thought it would be

Raph: Hey you guys know I can't watch this

April: Is my acting that bad?

Lizzie: why are you making fun of his fear?

Leo: relax it's just a joke Liz!

Splinter: Raph's fear flops make me laugh every time!

Raph: What? You think I'm afraid of Mrs. Cuddles? I'm just upset about something else. Which I'll think what that is later

April: Be nice guys. You know I bet a sandwich would make you feel better Raph


Raph went to the kitchen to make a sandwich

Raph:Wish I had sandwiches for brothers. Be better than those jerks. At least Lizzie was trying to help. Okay sure I'm a little jumpy. But afraid? Raph don't do afraid

He opened a cabinet and Mrs. cuddles popped out of it


Raph backed away quickly and fell on the floor. The others saw a the whole thing

Donnie: Oh I am enjoying this

April: The guys told me Mrs. Cuddles totally freaks you out. So I brought her over in a trunk for a sweet prank

Lizzie: guys this is going to far!

Donnie: your right. Hey no hard feelings okay big brother? Let's be fwiends forever! Hahaha!

Raph: Good one, making my heart almost explode. And for the record these are tears of laughter. I'm laughing at you!

The turtles and April leave the kitchen

Lizzie: if you want Raph I know a few ways to help you calm down

Raph: thanks Lizzie but I'm fine really! Forget about her evil eyes and those floppy ears that are always haunting you

Raph and Lizzie look at the doll again but it was gone

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