Rebecca's Purple Game

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In the lair Donnie just watched an add for 'the purple game'

Donnie: I must have it!

Donnie downloaded the game and played it all night

Raph: Donnie have you been playing all night?

Donnie: Yes this is the greatest game of all time so stop talking to me

Leo: Really this?

Donnie: yes! Rank is rising. I have to make it to number one baby!

Raph: Well let's go get dressed. If we're late to FanCon we'll miss out on the Jupiter Jim swag

Lizzie: you were the one that wanted to go the most and I thought you liked more advanced games. This looks like it was made in the 90's

Donnie: it's called 'retro' Elizabeth! And I'll meet you there. I'm earning the purple points to unlock sweet upgrades!

Mikey: are you okay? Atomic Lass is going to be there. She's your favorite character from the extended Jupiter Jim Universe

Raph: She and JJ haven't spoken since-

Mikey: We don't speak of that

Donnie: I have to make it to number one! One!

Donnie even licked the screen

Leo: I know I say this a lot about Donnie but... demon possession!

Donnie: I'm fine!

Lizzie: I'm already starting to doubt that


Later that day Raph Leo mikey and Lizzie got back to the lair

Mikey: What a night baby!

Raph: Once in a lifetime!

Lizzie: we got so much merchandise!

Leo: We just shared a life changing experience!

The four of them walked into Donnie's lab

Leo: Donnie you're never gonna believe what just happened. I know It'll never make up for it but we got you a Jupiter Jim figure with real chopping action-

They saw donnie still playing the game and was dressed like a lumberjack

Lizzie: what the?

Donnie: Ten! So close to one. Nothing is going to stop Bootyyyshaker9000!

Raph stood in front of the screen

Donnie: Move! Move! Get out of the way!

Raph: Dude you okay? You're dressed up like lumberjack

Donnie: It's a new upgrade I unlocked. Not many have it

Lizzie: what does dressing up like a lumberjack have to do with the game?

Donnie: everything! It has everything to do with the game!

Leo: How'd you pay for that gear? Donnie how'd you pay for that gear?

Mikey saw his broken piggy bank

Mikey: He destroyed Mrs Porky Coin! I will avenge her!!

Lizzie comforted Mikey

Lizzie: Donnie's never acted like this before... and that's a lot

Leo: I know right? And he doesn't seem to care he misses a literal once in a lifetime experience. That lady in a wheelchair walked...

Raph: What do you do if someone you love is obsessed with something that's bad for them?

Leo: if only we knew someone that has great advice and guidance...

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