The Mutant Menace

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In the lair mikey was watching a video about the turtles and Lizzie's adventures

Rebecca (on the video): Birthdays ruined, parks destroyed and museums vandalized. Tonight I Rebecca Hunter will hunt down and reveal the culprits! Beware the Mutant Menace!

The video ended and Mikey was shocked

Mikey: The Mutant Menace? Ohmigosh! She's talking about us!

Leo: I can't believe we're getting blamed for this. Virtually everything in there was somebody else's fault! I think...

Lizzie: I feel like know I her though

Donnie: yes Rebecca blames you for losing her friends, stealing her spotlight and ruining her band

Lizzie: wait what?! All I did was play a song!

Donnie: not only that she joined the purple dragons and tried to destroy us

Lizzie: why are you only bringing this up now?!

Donnie: you never asked but this is a boost for my emotionally unavailable bad boy image. Do you think Rebecca will notice?

Leo: Donnie do you like the person who is trying to hunt us down?

Donnie: ...No?

Raph: Look guys I think this might be an opportunity to turn a dark cloud into a silver lining. You fellas ever read this fine piece of literature?

He held a children's book

Donnie: Horrible Wolfie the harmless wolf pup?

Raph: Yes. It's the touching story of a kid wolf who shows up at a town full of humans who all want to run him through with a pitchfork.

Mikey: That's supposed to be touching?

Lizzie: yeah I don't see it either

Raph: But Wolfie didn't run away. He performed loving deeds for the hateful townsfolk and they welcomed him into their hearts. So that's what we'll do! We'll get in our giant Tank and smash people in the face with good deeds!

Mikey: Yeah we are good doers!

Lizzie: we could be accepted by the humans to

Donnie: Oh this is gonna look great on my college application!

Leo: Any votes for staying home during the mutant hunt?

Lizzie: we can at least talk some sense into her

Leo: Okay let's go!


The five of them drove through the city in the turtle tank

Raph: Now each time we do a good deed we'll leave behind one of our friendly calling cards.

Mikey: This good deed brought to you by 'Mutant Menace' Winky Face! Who wouldn't loved this?

Lizzie: Um why are we calling ourselves the same thing Rebecca is? Shouldn't it be something else?

Raph: It's just a joke! People will focus on the good deeds anyway!

Lizzie: I guess but we're starting simple though right?

Mikey: Yep!

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