Chapter 16 | Gentleman

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I wasn't sure how long we stayed out like two homeless college students, but at one point I got too comfortable and knocked out in Blake's arms. Blake was the one who woke me up to tell me someone was here to finally open the doors. Still a bit groggy, I let him help me off the ground and guide me towards the building doors, where a guy was waiting to let us in, holding the door open for us.

"Thanks, man," Blake nodded at him as we walked past him.

"Of course." He let the doors close behind us and I rubbed my eyes with the heels of my hands in an attempt to wake myself up a little more.

When we reached our dorm, we realized we still needed a key card to get into our room. So we went right back to sitting against the wall. At least now we weren't out in the cold.


I looked over at Blake with a small, tired smile. "Hmm?"

"This is your fault."

Rolling my eyes, I laid my head on his shoulder. "Fuck you."


"Not actually, shut up."

All he did in response was laugh, wrapping his arm around me again and laying his head on top of mine. Pulling out his phone from his jean pocket with his free hand, he checked the time and sighed. "We got at least another two hours out here before the office opens."

I closed my eyes and got comfortable. "Okay, wake me up when we can go in."

"You're really going to sleep again?"


His chuckle was low as he pulled me closer to his body, as close as he could possible get me. I was damn near on top of him by the time he stopped trying to pull me closer. Yet I was letting him the entire time. I just wanted to lay in bed and sleep, but this was all I could get.

Blake let me sleep on him, which didn't take long for me to knock out. Only thing I was confused about was when I woke up in our room, on my bed.

I looked around the room with squinted, tired eyes before attempting to rub away the exhaustion. Blake was on his own bed, turned away from me and snoring softly. Of course with the lack of a shirt and pants as well. The only thing he had were his boxers and his blanket lazily draped over his legs.

Didn't take long to figure out he probably carried me in when he got the chance. With a quick glance at the time on my phone, I realized I only had a couple hours of sleep before I had to get up for class.

• • •

"I hate this job."

"Then quit," I told Blake for the fifth time tonight. He kept complaining about the amount of baggage people have been making him carry tonight. Not sure what he expected when there was a major discount and people were making sure to pack enough for their week-long stays. It was a beautiful hotel after all, with its personal man-made beach and fancy bedrooms.

He scoffed. "I'm not quitting unless you do."

"Why in the world would you need to quit when I do?"

"Because," he leaned against the front of the desk I was working behind and smirked. That damn smirk still irked my soul. "I have to make sure you're safe, you know?"

The snort that escaped me couldn't have been louder if I tried. "I can handle myself just fine, you know?"

"I'm sure you can, but I just want to make sure."

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