Chapter 9

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"It's the murder weapon alright." Eric said. The forensics team just called.

"We got our guy." Callen said.

"I'll send someone to take him in." Hetty said.

"Case closed!" Deeks exclaimed.

"Beer?" Kensi said.

"I'm in." Deeks replied.

"Me too." Eric said.

"Three." Alexa said.

"Sure!" Nell said.

"I'm there." Sam said.

"Well now I have to go." Callen said. They all laughed. " Hetty you wanna join?"

"No no, you go have fun. Be safe." Hetty replied and left ops.




3 hours later, at the bar. Kensi and Deeks are playing pool. Callen and Sam are drinking beers at a table next to them watching and chatting away. Alexa sits at the bar.

"Thanks for getting rid of em. They were so annoying." Johnny said to Alexa.

"Yea they really were." She replied.

"So, how's everything?" He said winking.

"Oh god." She sighed. "This again?" She interlocked her hands on the bar next to her beer.

"Just want you to be happy love." He smiled. She stuck her tongue at him. Callen walked up behind her. Johnny smiled. "I need to clean more glasses."
Alexa was confused until Callen sat down next to her.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." She replied.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"It is now!" She replied smiling at him. He smiled back. He put his hand on hers. He moved a little closer to her.

"DAMMIT!" Deeks yells out. They turn to look at him.

"HAHA, you lose sucker!!!!" Kensi replies dancing around. Deeks sits at the table. Sam is laughing. Alexa and Callen laugh.

Sam looks at his watch. "I better go before my wife kills me."

"Literally." Deeks replied.

"Bye guys." Sam shouts walking out the door.

Alexa walks over to Deeks."Night monkey!" She says and hugs him. He hugs her back.

"Goodnight little one." He replies smirking. She playfully punches him in the stomach.

"Bye Kensi!" She says.

"Bye we will grab lunch sometime?" Kensi replies.

"Definitely!" Alexa says and throws her car keys at Callen. "Let's go driver!" She walks to the door. Callen picks up the keys from the floor and follows her out the door.

"Bye guys!" He says and walks out.

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