Chapter 5

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After getting a new cast, one of the walking ones, Callen and Alexa walked back into Hq. Everyone was getting suited up for the meet tonight.

"Hey guys!" Alexa said walking over to Sam, Deeks, and Kensi, with Callen following her.

"Nice cast!" Sam said.

"Haha thanks. I don't need those stupid armpit soring crutches." Alexa smiled. They all laughed.

"It really does hurt your armpits though." Deeks stated.They all looked and him and laughed.

"Wow monkey, you have gotten so much weirder." Alexa said.

"You mean awesomer!" Deeks exclaimed.

"No, she was right!" Sam laughed.

"So, any movement yet." Alexa asked.

"No, but he should start moving soon." Callen said looking at his watch. 7:30 it read.

"You know it could be 8 in the morning." Deeks said.

"No, Luke never wakes up that early for anything." Alexa said.

"Not even millions of dollars?" Deeks said.

"Nope, all meetings at night it's his one rule," Alexa replied.

"Ahh okay then." Deeks said turning back to packing his extra gear.

Alexa and Callen went into the locker room to put in their gear.

Alexa put on first the NCIS bulletproof vest and then checked her gun and put it behind her back. Callen helped her clip the vest on tight then out his on.

"You sure you up for this?" He asked putting his arm through the hole.

"Yea I'll be fine." She replied helping him clip his vest on. After She got the last clip, he grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him. They looked into each others blue eyes. He leaned in and kissed her.





"He's on the move!" Eric called out from upstairs. Sam, Kensi, and Deeks looked up.

"Alright, let's go." Sam said. "Eric, go grab Callen and Alexa. We leave in 5."

"Got it." Eric said running down the stairs to the locker room.

Alexa and Callen were still making out. There's a bang on the door. They stop and look at the door.

"Wheels out in 5." Eric yelled on the other side of the door. Alexa and Callen grab their gear bags and go out the door.

"Sam and them are at the car." Eric says. They walk to the front. "Good luck." He says stopping at the stairs.

"Thanks." Alexa says smiling at him. Callen pushes her forward with his bag and they walk out the door.

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