Chapter forty five: greeting the dead

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For once in my life, I find peace in the silence between Luke and I. We stare blissfully into each other's eyes for what seems like hours until he finally speaks up.

"Not holding back anymore I see" he says, raising an eyebrow at me. I can't help but smile at his comment. I've changed so much since I've met him! For once I'm happy to have changed!

"I'm sorry I led you on for a while" I say quietly, looking down to the floor.
Luke gently grabs my chin and pulls my face upwards so that my eyes meet his.

"Hey, don't live in the past ok? You've got me now remember"

Oh I couldn't forget it. For once I was positive someone would be by my side and never hide anything from me. For once I could look confidently into someone's eyes and see nothing but the truth. That someone was right in front of me and was mine as much as I was his.

"I'll never forget it. I just can't believe it's taken me this long" I say, smiling up at him.

It felt good to smile. I used to walk the underworld with either a smirk or a scowl, never a smile and look at me now! Smiling like a mad cat!

"I'd always wait for you. I just wish mom could've met you" Luke says, sighing as he glances out the window.

"Maybe she can" I say, thinking it over.

Some souls never manage to leave onto the afterlife. To gain entrance to the afterlife, a soul must complete their unfinished business. If this is not completed, they are deemed to wander the plains aimlessly in the underworld, never to truly move on or ever experience happiness again.

Now I personally don't keep track of these souls because usually they are a lost case, but maybe Luke's mother is still here.

"What do you mean?" Luke asks me, looking at me with a puzzled look. Smiling, I eagerly reply.

"Some souls cannot move on and are stuck in the underworld. Your mother might be one of them"

"You mean you could meet my mom!"

"Yes!" I say, smiling widely. Luke throws his arms around me and holds me in his tight embrace.

"I can finally get the answers to so many questions all thanks to you! So where do we start?" Luke says, grabbing my hand and running to the exit. Looking at the wooden doors, I glue myself on the spot. Luke halts and slowly turns around, realisation crossing his brows.

"There's a book with all the names of the wandering souls, the only problem is..."
I struggle to even say it. I can't bring myself to speak those words..

"Your dad has it doesn't he?" Luke asks, causing me to meekly nod.

"I don't know if I can face him yet"

"Cmon Raven you're the strongest person I've ever met? Surely your dad isn't your weakness right?"

Luke had a point. I can't allow my father to have the upper hand. Besides, if I face him now Luke can finally see his mother again.

"Ok, let's do it!"

I pull the enchantment down and rush down the hall with Luke tailing right behind me. Just get to the book, don't look him in the eye just get the book.

I keep repeating these words over and over in my head. All I have to do is look for her name.

Soon, Luke and I reach our destination. The throne room. Inside I can hear voices chattering among themselves, notifying to me that reapers were in fact present. Taking a deep breath in, I barge through the wooden doors and march my way over to father.

"Raven, I see you have finally overcome your childishness. Welcome back my dear, would you like your daily duties?"

How dare he call me childish! Yes my acts may not have been appropriate for the future goddess of death but he has no right to call me childish! Not after all he has done...

"Give me the book of souls" I say without looking him in the eye. Father tilts his hooded head in amusement at me.

"You've never dared look in the book before, why now?"

But I didn't need to answer that question. His garnet eyes made their way to Luke's pale blue orbs and a flash of understanding crossed my fathers eyes.

"The book. Now!" I demand, waiting impatiently.

Glaring at Luke, father clicks his fingers and in a burst of black smoke a large leather book appears in his lap the colour of coal.

"Raven you must understand why I didn't tell you-"

Without letting him plead his case, I raise my hand to silence him.

"There is no justification to your actions father. We can discuss this at a later date. Now, the book" I say, my palm outstretched towards the leather covered book.

Father clears his throat and stares at me for a few moments before meekly handing over the piece of binding to me.

Quickly, I flip through the pages until I land on all the souls with the surname Smith.

"Luke what is your mothers name?" I ask, my eyes focused on the female section in the book.

"Maria" Luke says proudly, the name of his own guardian angel.

My eyes scour the page until I finally find a Maria Smith. The picture next to her name was a small blonde haired woman with bright blue eyes. I tilt the book towards Luke for confirmation and he in return, gives me a firm nod.

"You aren't doing why I think you're doing are you Raven?" Father speaks from behind me. Curiosity gets to the better of me and I turn to face him.

"What do you mean?"

"Remember the wandering souls are lost causes. If you think you can help his mother, you're wrong" he says in a low voice in attempt to make me back down.

For once in my existence, I glare deeply into my fathers eyes, feeling the insides of me changing slightly to allow him a glimpse of my true form.

"No father, you're wrong" I say in a low voice, slowly regaining my original form and posture, I glide out of the throne room with Luke at my side.

Maria Smith, I shall help you no matter the cost..

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