Chapter thirty six: the traitor among us

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"Whoa grim, take a chill pill" Leo says, patting fathers shoulder. Father lets out a low growl which makes Leo take a step back with his hands in the air.
"OK demons aren't welcome right now so
I'm just gonna go" he says, snapping his fingers as he disappears in a puff of red smoke.

"Coward" I mutter under my breath causing Styx to release a chuckle.
Father walks to his throne and flops down on the seat, pounding the armrest as he does causing all attention to be drawn to him.

"Someone in my court is a traitor. I suggest you reveal yourselves and suffer the punishment honourably or suffer consequences much worse if I have to go through every reaper and find you myself!" He bellows around the throne room.
I can see the fear in the reapers eyes as they look up at father and themselves trying to locate the traitor too. All of a sudden, all eyes are drawn to the big black double doors at the back of the room. Including my own.
The doors bash open as a cloaked figure walks in with piercing crimson red eyes. A pair of eyes I know all too well.

"You were always the over dramatic type weren't you Dad? Certainly gave Eros a fight for his money. In my eyes, you're both drama queens" Blake says, pulling back his hood to reveal the evil smirk plastered on his pale face.

"Blake Daniel Reaper. I should have known it was you that did this" Father sneers as his garnet eyes turn into furious slits.

Father balls his hands into fists, the black within his eyes swirling around his pupil growing thicker and thicker until both his eyes become consumed by the darkness.
The veins under his skin begin to throb with thick black blood rushing through them. His teeth growing spiked as his whole mouth becomes a pitch black cave.
This is the God of deaths true form. The exact same as mine. Only few gods have two appearances. The gods that do are mainly linked with the soul collecting circle like Leo's father. You wouldn't expect Eros, the God of love to have a different form. The one he has is already as annoying as him.

Blake looks at father, amused that he changed into a more intimidating appearance. He then turns to me, expecting me to do the same. I however maintain a stone cold expression as I glare at him.
Sighing, Blake begins to tut.

"Do what?" He asks in an innocent tone, tilting his head to the side in fake confusion.

"YOU KNOW ALL TOO WELL WHAT YOU HAVE DONE" father bellows, pointing his silver scythe menacingly at his own flesh and blood.

"Dad calm down. We don't want you to lose your temper now would we?" Blake says, sinisterly.

"I returned your powers, thinking you came back to the reaper way. Yet you still refuse to become a true reaper. Your sister even saved you from that witches curse. To think it was all in vain" father sneers at his son as he looks at him, returning to his human-looking form. His black hair returns as does his garnet eyes.

Not a wrinkle forms on his skin even though he is over one thousand years old. He's been alive since the beginning of time. As soon as life was born, death followed soon after.

"In vain? Dad I think you're missing a vital piece of information here. I am no traitor. I could care less about those petty vampires"
Blake says, folding his arms over his chest.
Father remains tense even after his words.

"Blake you are a vile and dastardly creature. You destroy the reaper name" I beam as I glare into his Crimson eyes. A small smirk forms on his lips.

"I'm no reaper dear sister. You should know that better than anyone. I am a Demi God. Reapers are simply the henchman of dear old dad. They possess no true power" Blake says.

I don't argue. He's half right. No reaper could do what father and I can. The reapers are simply farmers that collect souls from the living. Just like Leo is a demon God, the demons that collect souls for hell are also just vessels that are bound to one job. Even more Styx is a being to carry countless souls across the river into the afterlife.

"Do not disrespect our lives brother! You would be wise to keep that gaping hole of yours shut" I say, scowling at him. I may be more than just a reaper but to me I see everyone as equals. Just because someone has more power or is stronger than you does not mean for you to use that to your advantage. You show respect to each other. Lack of respect in frowned upon in my eyes.

"Disrespect? Why Raven you have already disrespected reapers by falling in love!"

After those words fall from his mouth, gasps erupt around the room from the reapers surrounding us. It's dangerous for a person to fall in love in the death business. Very dangerous.

"I am not in love" I say through gritted teeth. Father looks between the two of us, too shocked to say anything.

"That's quite ironic coming from you nephew" Hypnos says, coming out from the sidelines and into Blake's view. Blake's eyes immediately flare wide in shock.

"Un-uncle Hypnos. Wh-what a surprise!" Blake says, stumbling over his words.
Hypnos turns his nose up at him as he turn to me.

"Did your brother not tell you? He came to me for advice once" Hypnos begins. Blake wearily looks between the two of us.

"What didn't he tell me?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at my uncle. A grin appears on his face as he looks back at me.

"The real reason he left. He told you he was in love correct?" Hypnos asks, confirming the rumours.
I simply nod.

"He was under a spell" I say. The spell would've only lasted a few weeks. Now that I think about it, that couldn't have been the reason why he left.

"Well he actually left because of a little scandal he had with a mortal. Raven, you're an auntie"   

The sound of my scythe hitting the cobbled floor echoes around the throne room.

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