Chapter thirty seven: messenger to the gods

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For a moment, complete silence was all that seemed to occur throughout the throne room. Father and I stand still, gobsmacked at what my uncle had just told me.

The one question that was bubbling in my mind was... Is it true?
Did Blake leave for two years because of a child he has. My eyes find their way to lock with Blake's. Blake looks at me before sighing as he turns to walk back the way he came.
Before he has the chance to take a step, I grab his forearm.

"Don't you even think about" I say quietly. Reluctantly, he stays put.

"Blake. Do you have a child? Are you a father?" Death enquires to his son. Blake looks at father then back at me.

"Yes" he says quietly. I was about to ask him one more thing before he finally disappeared in a puff of black smoke.
Anger tinges fathers cheeks as he looks at the spot where his son had once stood.

"You know you could always ask the messenger" Styx says, suggesting us to contact the God. Father pulls a disgusted look over his face, appalled to the idea. I however, want answers.

"Hermes come forth!" I bellow around the throne room.
For a few moments, there was silence. And then the sound of wings beating behind me, causing me to spin on my heels.

Flying behind me was non other than Hermes. The wings on his sandals flapping up and down ceased as he landed softly on the floor. He whips his blonde curly head towards me, his blue eyes looking amused.

Hermes is a God of many things. Travel and sending messages being the most common. Since he's the God of travel, Hermes spends more time with mortals than other gods do since he travels to and fro from places on earth.

"Raven Reaper, to what do I owe the pleasure?" The God asks me, smirking. His eyes catch a hold of my fathers, making him grin as he looks at the annoyance in my fathers eyes.

"You travel everywhere correct?" I ask.

"Indeed" he says, firmly nodding.

"What do you know of Blake's child?" I ask, wanting an answer quickly.

"You mean the kid Blake had with a mortal? The kids been living a normal life with his mother and father for at least two years. The lil scamps very observant. Could've sworn I was spotted a few times" Hermes says, leaning against the wall.

"Does the child possess any powers?"

"From what I've seen, nope. But the mother is a mortal. Powers could show when the kids older"

"What's the child's name?" I ask, wanting to know more about my newfound relative.

"Edward Dawson. Lil Eddie is only two bless him. Blake's been trying to keep him hidden from other gods. You can't hide secrets from me of course. He never expected me to come poke my nose around his child" Hermes says, folding his arms over his chest.

"Who's the mother?" I ask, letting my curiosity get to the better of me. Hermes smirks as he looks up at me. Tilting his head to the side, his blonde curls fall effortlessly around his face as he begins to speak.

"The mother is a mortal from America. Sarah Dawson. She was a waitress in a diner. Then she met Blake"

I think over Hermes words. America? That's not possible. Blake always spent his time near London. Never in America.

"He's never spent time in America before" I say under my breath. Hermes' blue eyes flash with amusement.

"If one wishes to stay hidden then perhaps going somewhere that is unbeknownst to them is the best way to win the game of hide and seek" Hermes says, releasing a childish smirk.

"This is exactly why I didn't want the messenger here. He's too childish" father says, rolling his eyes.

"I'm just more up to date than you reapers" Hermes says, shrugging.

Hermes is often found on earth rather than up on Olympus. He may be a son of Zeus however, he doesn't act like it. He prefers to spend his time lounging in different places, finding out gossip. Sometimes the gods wonder if he should have been mortal instead of a God. Of course, Hermes is the God with the fastest use of travel. This makes it ideal for him to send messages for people.

"For a god you certainly have quite the tongue on you" Father mutters under his breath.

"Why thank you good sir. It's not every day you get a compliment from death" Hermes says, sarcasm lacing his words as he does a small bow to my father out of amusement.
Father lets out a low grunt as he looks back at the God.

"It wasn't a compliment" father snarls, causing Hermes to chuckle.

"Awh Raven. Does your father not quite get the concept of sarcasm?" The God asks me as locks his blue eyes with mine. I try my hardest not to smile at his comment but of course, Hermes manages to break through my wall. He's the only God that will ever make me laugh. Usually it's because of what he says about my father. Coughing away my laughter, I look at the God of travel with a serious expression.

"Hermes may I ask you a favour?"

"Depends what it is princess" he says, cheekily winking at me. Rolling my eyes, I stare at him coldly.

"Enough jokes"

"It's what I'm best at" he says, puffing out his chest to demonstrate his proudness of his sense of humour.

"I want you to take me to my nephew" I say, causing my father to bore his eyes into the side of my head.

"Raven you aren't serious?" Father asks, shell shocked at my request.

"Oh dear brother. You have quite the stubborn daughter" Hypnos says, looking at me with an amused smile. Styx continues to chuckle in the corner of the room.

"You wanna see your nephew?" Hermes asks, also looking shocked.

"Why wouldn't I? Blake's been hiding him for a reason after all" I say, crossing my arms over my chest.
At that moment, everyone's attention is drawn towards me.

"Raven you aren't going to hurt the child are you?" Styx asks, stepping out from his corner.

"I wouldn't hurt my own flesh and blood" I say, causing relief to wash over everyone's faces. A sinister smirk climbs it's way onto my face as I look around me.
"If I find him a threat, that's another story"

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