Chapter forty four: forbidden love

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It has now been a week since my isolation. Blake hadn't returned which hopefully means he finally understands my terms. I gave his son a way out of the curse, the least he could do was stay away from me for an eternity.

There was still one person who I wasn't willing to give a way out. Father has hidden far too much from me. How could he betray me like that? Why would he leave it to that she devil to tell me instead.

I know what I have to do!

Heck I want to do it!

But I just can't...

As much as I hate to say it, he's my father. He raised me, stayed by my side. He never left me. He just...kept things from me.

What do I do?

Do I confront him?

Or do I carry on acting like the coward I am, hiding like a child in my own room...

Three loud steps make its way towards my door. I swivel my head towards the entrance, anticipating the person about to be repelled by my magic. To my surprise, the footsteps stop right outside my door.
Standing up from my dressing table, I make my way towards my door and stop a step away from it.

"Whom dares disturb me?" I enquire, waiting for a response.


Clearing my throat, I speak up once more.
"I said, who's there!"

Not a sound.

Huffing, I turn away from the door and begin to walk back to my seat at the dressing table when a small voice speaks up.

"You know, I was shocked to hear it myself" the voice says. I stop in my tracks.

That voice...

"Hear what?" I say, walking back towards the door.

"That you had practically locked yourself away from the rest of the world" the voice says, speaking louder after every word.
I recognise that voice. That soft American accent..

"Luke?" I say, pulling the enchantment on my door down.
Rushing towards the door, I swing it open and my eyes meet with a pair of pale blue eyes. The pale blue eyes I had longed to stare into.

"Hey Raven, miss me?" Luke says, chuckling.
I grab his forearm and pull him inside, briskly placing the enchantment back up.

"How are you here?" I ask once I reassured myself no one else could get in.

"Well, after spending the week with a vampire and an angel goddess, Leo came to fetch me saying you isolated yourself from everyone. He said I could convince you to come out so here I am!" Luke says, his warm smile directed at me.

Sorrow falls upon my eyes.

Remember Raven, it is forbidden to love a mortal..

Then again, he isn't exactly human...

"I'm afraid even you can't lure me out of my domain Luke. I can't face the evil that awaits me outside"

"You mean your dad?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

I nod.

"He betrayed me, he hid me from myself. Do you know how that feels Luke? Being hidden away from your true self" I say, a small tear falling down my cheek. The barrier I had placed up to keep my emotions at bay had now officially broken. I couldn't keep it hidden much longer.

Luke wipes my tear away, and looks directly into my eyes.

"I know exactly how that feels. My mom kept me from my self too. She didn't tell me I had the sight, and she didn't tell me I was an immortal either. When I did find out, I was devastated just like you. The only difference is, it was too late for me to ask why she hid it from me. But it's not too late for you Raven"

I listen carefully to his words. Luke lost his mother so he doesn't know why she kept him from himself. Is he telling me to speak to my father? No I couldn't possibly....

"I can't Luke" I sob, turning my back to him.

"This isn't you Raven. Where's the girl that was determined to take my soul huh? Where's the girl who ignored what people said and did it her way? Where's the girl that didn't believe in can't? Where's that girl Raven?"

"That girl is weak. She's been betrayed, hurt and most importantly lied to. Luke you're all I have left" I say, the tears streaming down my face like a waterfall.
Luke walks up to me and wraps his arms around me. We stay like that for what seems like hours, just silently embracing each other while I pent out all the emotions I had kept hidden for years.
Luke's soothing voice breaks the silence. I cling onto his warmth as he speaks.

"You know what you have to do" he says, looking into my eyes.

I nod.

"I don't want to do it alone" I say, the thought of facing my father alone scares me.

"I'll be there with you Raven. I won't let you down ok?"

For the first time, I look into Luke's eyes with passion.

Luke is here for me.

Luke won't abandon me.

Luke will never betray me.

I finally found what I had been searching for. I was searching for the love inside me that I have for Luke. I was just too afraid to show it to him. I was too worried about the consequences of a forbidden love. But now I know how I feel. Now I know what I want, and it's standing right in front of me. I long to be with Luke, to be writhing his warm embrace all night.
I want to be with him no matter what, even if I have to sacrifice my duty for him. I may have been fond of my reaper duties, but Luke is more important to me. Maybe one day I will takeover the underworld and be its goddess, and when that day arrives I shall decree a new law. People may live whomever they want.

I look into Luke eyes and then at his lips. I lean forward and close the distance between us.
For the first time, I kiss Luke, and within the kiss is all my love that I have for him.

For once I can finally say, I love Luke.

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