Chapter twenty nine: coastal region

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When I next open my eyes, the sight of the golden sand and deep blue sea fills my vision. The sound of the waves crashing against the smooth pebbles on the beach echoes throughout me ears. The car was now placed in the middle of the beach.
"You couldn't get us near a road could the Rave?" Leo says, sighing.
Shoving him in the side I glare at him.

"Quit your moping and start the car" I tell him. He turns the key in attempt to rev the car however the engine creates a rumbling sound and then cuts off.

"That doesn't sound good" Leo announces just as a thick black smoke makes its way out of the cars bonnet.

"Just leave the car, we don't have time for this" I say in annoyance. Leo turns to me and let's put a gasp.

"I can't abandon my baby!" He cries, hugging the steering wheel. Rolling my eyes I turn to the window. The sun was heading down already. Looks like Apollo the sun God was setting the sun already.  Deciding to get out of the car, I shove open the metal door and slam it behind me ignoring Leo's whimpers about the car.
I begin to make my way towards the stone pathway at the edge of the beach when I hear someone call out to me.

"Hey do you need any help?" A low voice says in the distance.
Turning around to face the owner of the voice I'm greeted with a pair of golden brown eyes and thick brown locks falling around his tanned face.

"The idiot in the car does" I state, motioning towards the black sports car parked in the middle of the beach.

"Looks like the engines busted. I can fix it for ya so don't worry" he says, revealing a pearl white smile. I nod as I turn around and take a step to walk away when he suddenly says something.

"Aren't you hot wearing all that black?" He asks, looking towards the blazing sun.
Shrugging I turn to face him once again.

"I always wear black, it's what everyone wears where I'm from" I say, remaining emotionless.
The tanned skinned boy examines me closely before he locks his golden brown gaze with mine.

"Red eyes.... Are you a vampire?" He asks, staring at my eyes. I shake my head.

"I'm a reaper" I say, watching his face grow in shock.

"Why on earth is a reaper here?" He asks in shock and fear.

"I have business here" I say, shrugging.

"You always have business" I hear Leo say as he walks away from the car and coming alongside me.

"Being an angel of death is busy" I say, stating the obvious. The boy in front of me stares at Leo's eyes now.

"I've never seen someone with that shade of colour for eyes. Are they amber?" He asks in curiosity, however he appears to be keeping his distance.

"All demons have amber eyes" he says, tucking his hands into his pockets.

"A d-demon?!" He asks, taking a small step back.

"I thought you sent someone here to tell them of your arrival Raven?" Leo asks me. Once he says my name, the boy turns to me.

"You're Raven?" He asks, looking at me a little more closely. Silently I nod and immediately he bows to me.
"I'm so sorry your majesty I had no idea" he says apologetically. Sighing I turn to him.

"You don't need to bow" I say irritably.

"But you're the princess of death!" He says in admiration now.

"I guess your shape shifter did make it here then" Leo says, watching the boys actions.

"I'll fix ya car up for ya. I'm Mason by the way" he says smiling.

"Where's Cora?" I ask, getting straight to the point.

"She's just over there in coastal high" he says, pointing to the school building standing on the coasts cliffs. Nodding in thanks, my black feathered wings sprout from my back and I begin to soar through the air towards the school. Leo follows me with his red leathery wings. Landing swiftly on the ground, I narrow my eyes at the surroundings. Desperately searching for an entrance, my eyes land on a set of double doors placed in the centre of the building. Strolling up to it, I push open the doors and immediately the people, or supernaturals behind it stop and stare at me. A few gazes of recognition and fear meet line while other remain confused.
Briskly, I walk in between them as they create a pathway for me, with Leo trailing right behind.

"It's a reaper" I hear someone say in a hushed tone.

"I've never seen one before" another says quietly.

"Do you think someone's going to die?" Another hushed voice pipes in.

"My bet is she's meeting with Cora" a young elf boy says. I look at him and smirk. He looks away, scared as I continue to march on.
Soon I reach the end of the corridor and sure enough I'm greeted with the familiar shapeshifter, Jack.

"Took your time lass" he says, leaning against the wall. Rolling my eyes I walk through the door just next to him. A girl with bright emerald eyes stares back at me. Her wavy Crimson locks flow effortlessly against her small shoulders and her freckled face smiles at me as I enter the room.

"Raven" she says in a polite tone.

"Cora" I say, nodding as I take a seat with Leo alongside me.

"I see you got the message" she says, nodding to Leo alongside me.

"I see you also got mine" I say, motioning to Jack who was now standing at the back of the classroom.

"Yes, I've prepared my army for battle. The question is when will this battle take place?" She asks curiously. 

"You tell me, you can see the future" I say, folding my arms over my chest.

"Yes but all magic comes with a price" she says, looking away as if remembering something from her past.
Here I am, face to face with a young goddess. This should end well....

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