Chapter 17

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Lizzie's POV

"I've just got to make it better somehow. It'll take time but we'll be okay we have to be, right?" I clip another dead leaf off of one of my plants and come to the realisation that they are, in fact, not going to reply to me.

I sigh and lean back on my hands. I managed to get a little bit of sleep this morning but when I woke up I just felt equally as tired as I had done before. I got up and tried to make myself some breakfast but when I realised I had gotten two plates out of the cupboard instead of only one, reality hit me right in the face and I wasn't hungry anymore.

The sun was already shining and I knew it was supposed to be a really hot day today so I decided the best use of my time was to water my garden, in hopes it would distract me. My mind, of course, had other ideas and I found myself thinking of what Alexa and I would've done today to enjoy the start of summer.

I brush my hand over my face and shake my head, I figure I should probably get finished up out here before the temperatures peak. Pushing down all the anger I have towards myself I grab my trowel and gently move the soil around getting the last couple of weeds out and putting them in my compost pile.

I grab the hose pipe and make sure everything is well watered, not wanting anything else to dry out now the hot weather is here. "Okay carrots I think you guys are about ready." I sigh once again, knowing I'd planned to use these and the zucchini's I picked a couple days ago to make the pasta primavera Alexa really likes.

I don't think I ever quite realised how much my life has changed in the past few months, until now where every thought I have is based around my daughter.

She is my world, she is why I go to work everyday to make sure I can give her the life she deserves. She is why I bought this beautiful home for us, so she has a safe place to relax and be herself. This is what being a mom should be and I finally see how much I've let that slip recently.

"Okay it's been 20 minutes, I can't watch you talk to anymore fucking plants." Chris' loud Boston accent makes me jump. I look over to the patio where he is stood, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "Well they are great listeners." I huff, mumbling quietly to myself as I wipe my hands on my jeans. I put my tools away and walk over to where my friend is.

He gives me a bit of a side hug, being careful not to get any dirt on himself in the process. I go inside leaving my shoes at the door and wash my hands, zoning out a little as I scrub some dirt from my nails.


I turn around only just realising now that it's not just Chris here, Scarlett is too. "Hey, sorry I didn't see you sat there." I admit, trying to hide the sadness that's becoming harder to push down. "What do you need Lizzybear?" Scarlett asks, seeing right through me as she moves over to give me a hug.

"I need my daughter home, or a time machine to go back and never say what I did. You got one of those?" I sigh, melting into her arms. I finally let go of the tears I've been holding in all morning as Scar rubs my back in comfort. I soon feel a second pair of arms around me, Chris.

"I'm afraid I don't, but I brought fries and milkshakes we can go and be spend the afternoon on the couch and if you want to talk, you talk to us. If you want to cry, we'll hold you. Whatever you need we're here." Scarlett offers softly while wiping the tears from my chin.

"Can we watch The Nanny Diaries?" I ask looking up at Chris, knowing he'll cave first. They both laugh and reluctantly agree.


"I wish I knew you both back then." I say after we finish watching The Perfect Score. After The Nanny Diaries I convinced them to let me watch the first movie they did together, just something about seeing them on screen together brings me a lot of comfort. "Lizzie you would've been what, 13 years old? I don't think it would've been okay for us to be friends." Chris laughs.

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