Chapter 13

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Lizzie's POV

I wake up, immediately groaning as I feel a pain in my neck. Once I open my eyes and look around I realise why, I'd spent the whole night curled up on Alexa's bedroom floor.

Taking a few minutes to come around, I look at my phone to check the time, it's already after 7:00. My alarm was supposed to go off an hour ago! I'm not entirely sure if I've just slept through it or if I completely forgot to set one last night.

Either way I have, at most an hour to get myself ready before I need to leave. As I slowly sit up and stretch I check to make sure Alexa is still asleep, her cute, little, soft snores answer that question for me.

I pause for a moment, thinking back to the sleepless nights we had when Alexa would have her torturous nightmares. Despite the distance we have between us right now and knowing my daughter has been so unhappy, I'm grateful for the rest we're both having, lord knows that would have probably made things a hell of a lot worse.

I get up and give her head a little kiss before pulling the blankets up over her shoulders, leaving her to sleep for another half hour while I go for a shower. As I'm washing my hair I debate back and forth the possibility of calling in sick for work. Maybe I need to take the day off and keep Alexa home? Really work on whatever's going on.

The only thing stopping me is knowing Wanda is in a lot of the scenes that we're scheduled to film today and I'd hate to let them down, plus we have our dinner tonight and it'd probably look bad if I turned up after not being at work.

On top of that, it's Alexa's last day of school before the summer... okay I'll let her go to school, I'll go to work and then tomorrow we're sorting this. I'll talk to her and comfort her and not give her the half assed excuse of parenting I have been giving her recently.

I finish getting ready, lightly drying my hair just so it's not dripping and leave the rest to air dry since it'll be in a wig cap all day anyway. I go downstairs, pack my bag, fill mine and Alexa's water bottles up and put some bread in the toaster for her breakfast, before going back upstairs to wake her up.

Alexa's POV

Mom wakes me up the same way she does every morning, slowly running her hands through my hair. "Alexa, sweetheart, it's time to get up." I hear her voice as I open my eyes. Once I'm fully awake, well... as awake as I can be this early in the morning, Mom kisses my head and leaves me to get ready.

I sit for a while just staring down at the comforter on my bed, the thought of going into school today, makes me feel nauseous. I can already feel in the pit of my stomach how exhausting yesterday was... that feeling that's almost numb, but it's there? A constant reminder of how drained I am.

I haven't felt this way for a long time... I haven't felt like this since I was just some foster kid in the way of everyone around me. I hate everything about this and I don't want to see the looks on Sarah and Hope's faces when I walk into school, I haven't even read any of the messages that came through yesterday. I dread to think what they're saying about me.

I don't think I can hide it. I've gotten so used to not feeling this way it feels strange, yet so familiar. I don't think my body or perhaps my brain remembers how to mask it like I used to. But to get through today, I'm going to have to try.

I drag myself out of bed finding some jeans and a plain black t-shirt to wear and throw an oversized cardigan on top. I do my basic morning routine, gently unravelling my hair out of the braids Mom did for me yesterday by running my fingers through them before heading downstairs.

"I need to go before Keen gets here, but I'll pick you up after school okay?" Mom says as she meets me at the bottom of the stairs with all her things. "Um actually, Keen isn't picking me up. I'm just going to walk, it's a nice morning so I thought it would be good to get some fresh air." I reply, not sounding quite as together as I though I would.

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