Chapter 2

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A/N- TW: panic attacks

Lizzie's POV

When my alarm starts to ring I quickly turn it off so it doesn't wake Alexa. She's sleeping soundly and she still has an hour until I need to wake her, she also told me she's been really tired recently. I can't help but think there's something more, I've just got to hope she'll tell me if there is something really wrong.

I slip out of bed and go to the bathroom to take a quick shower, wake myself up a little bit. Once I'm dressed I head downstairs into the kitchen and open the patio doors to let in the morning summer breeze. I'm determined to start working on my garden this summer, at the moment it looks a mess.

I have more time than I originally thought I would so I decide to make Alexa some blueberry pancakes for breakfast, I like to know she's had something substantial to eat before school. It's also extra time I get to spend with her before we both leave for the day.

As I'm whisking the pancake mix I stare off into space a little bit, it's only just hitting me how tired I am. Ever since I went back to work, Alexa started school, we moved house, and Scarlett came home I feel like I've never stopped. Not that I would change anything, I'm so happy with life right now, but I feel like my attention is so split and not in the right directions.

I snap out of my intense stare at the wall and make our pancakes, I've got a lot of emotional scenes to film today so a good breakfast is the best way to prepare for a day of crying, flying and screaming.

"Aw Lizzie you made me pancakes! You shouldn't have." I jump out of my skin and turn to see Chris stood in the archway. How deep in thought was I? "I didn't they're for Alexa." I chuckle. "But feel free to make your own, I'm going to wake sleeping beauty."

When I get back to my room, Alexa is completely star-fished across the bed. I take a picture of her making sure the flash is off so she doesn't wake up. That's definitely one to keep for her 18th birthday or  to show her future partner when she brings them home for the first time.

Yes I will be that mom.

"Morning sweetheart!" I say softly as I sit on the edge of her bed, brushing her curls from her face. "No thanks, try again tomorrow." Alexa grumbles and turns away from me. I burst out laughing and get up, throwing her fluffy hoodie at her to put on.

"Come on or Evans will eat your pancakes." I warn her knowing she's a bit protective of her food. Alexa turns to face me opening one eye. "Blueberry pancakes?" She asks, I nod with a wink and turn to go back downstairs. Before I even reach the bottom, Alexa is rushing past me. "Uncle Chris you better not be eating my pancakes!" She warns him bolting straight for the kitchen.


"Mom I can't find my bag!" Alexa yells down the stairs, Keen will be here any second to pick her up. "It's in the hall closet like it always is sweetheart! You put it there last night remember?" I call back to her, the rapid footsteps above us stop and she makes her way back down the stairs.

I turn to Chris, who is sat at the island and just melt into the biggest hug he's like a human teddy bear. "Lizzie you look exhausted, what's going on?" He asks holding me tight, I just shake my head at him until I hear Alexa's footsteps get closer.

"Keen's here." Alexa announces giving Chris a little side hug, I walk her to the front door and kiss her head before she walks out. "I love you" I call after her, she turns to me and smiles. "Love you too Mom"

I watch as they drive away and head back inside where Chris is holding my bag, my script and my water bottle that's filled with lemon water. "Ready?" I ask him reaching for my things, he pulls them away and looks down at me.

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