Chapter 40~ Listen up

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𝐀𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

Okay. Just don't screw up.

Simple, easy. Easy peasy lemo-FUCK SHE'S IN MY HEAD

I sigh and pull the leather jacket around me tighter, she said no restaurant cause apparently they bore her so I made other plans. And she also made a rule last minute that I wasn't allowed wearing my suit. She threatened me that she'd sleep in the guest room.

So here I am in a black shirt, with a black leather jacket over top along with some black jeans with rips on my knees. I run my hand through my messy black hair waiting for her to be ready.

I went to the guest room so she could change peacefully is what I'd like to say but the truth is Abby kicked me out of my own room as she helped Ivy get ready for our date, I never told her where we're going but Abby knows so I hope she'll dress her for the colder weather.

There's this fair in the city close by, that's where I'm taking her. It's a fair that happens for every day starting 5 days before Christmas and until 2 days after it. And I feel like she'd love it there, rides, junk food, and so much more.

I also have 300 guards spread out in the fair that will make sure to report to me if there's anything suspicious, but I made sure that they are not in suits and are blending in so her night doesn't get ruined.

"So...How'd you know when you were in love?" Nicolas asks pulling me out of my thoughts as I look at him with a raised eyebrow. He scans my face and smirks settling himself on the couch, what the fuck? "You haven't said it"

"Said what?" I play dumb, fucking hell I never thought I'd have to play dumb to avoid something. How am I even supposed to know what love feels like? Cause I never loved-even really liked Molly, our 'relationship' was all her. But I want to make sure that it's not like that with Ivy, so I try.

Before he could say anything Sebastian strides into the room along with mom, I look at him with an unimpressed look when he glares at me. What did I do now?

"Listen here you bitch" he starts and I raise an eyebrow at his choice of words towards me, but what surprises me even more is when he bends down and grabs my collar pulling me up. I scowl at him but he talks again. "As Ivy's Big brother I have shit to say to you-Athena, is Dawson on the phone?" he says and mom nods.

"Alright boss, Now I'm her brother. Not your assassin" I hear Dawson talk through the phone as I look at mom for help to get this bitch off of me, she shrugs and sits down as Nicolas smirks at the scene in front of him.

"What the fuck is going o-" I get cut off by Dawson on the phone. "-We talk and you listen today asshole" he speaks and my mouth almost drops in disbelief. I don't think he's ever fucking talked to me like this...

"Hurt her and we will fucking carve out your organs" Dawson starts as Sebastian hums before adding on, "And sell them on the dark web" he glares as I glare back at him trying to push him off.

"LISTEN YOU LITTLE SHIT-" Sebastian shouts in my face and I cringe before glaring hard at him clearing his throat "-Hurt her and I will burn you alive" he says, "Tie a weight to you and drown you bitch" Dawson adds. "If even one tear falls from her eyes we will beat you black and blue. Asshole" Sebastian adds again.

I glare at him and his eyes widen a bit before he clears his throat, "Dawson, he's scary. Can I let go now?" he whispers harshly and Dawson whispers back a harsh 'no' causing me to roll my damn eyes at the two 'brothers'

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now