Chapter 27~ Please help me pt1

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Word count: 2225

I'm kinda evil...


𝐈𝐯𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐭

The Molly girl looks me up and down in a look that seems like disgust.

"What did I even do? Why am I here? I don't even know you?" I ask so many questions wondering what I did wrong, what I did to end up here. Her eyes meet mine and she smirks.

"Your mommy wants you to suffer- she's in need of serious help" she laughs and I gulp hard pulling my legs to my chest contemplating kicking her. I would but then who'd untie me and if I did what if she goes all crazy and just kills me? I haven't even kissed Olly yet...

"And you?" I whisper.

"You make Ares happy, and I don't like when he's happy" she says and my eyebrows furrow. What the hell is her problem? Everyone here needs mental help. "Who are you" I ask again, who is this woman? What does she want from me and Ares. Why the hell did she go so far as to kidnapping me?

"His first love" she smirks at me, oh.

My head then immediately goes to the huge scar on his torso. Did she do that? But she loved-or loves him, so why would she hurt him?

I look around the room and see no windows, I'm in a room with concrete walls and floors, a singe light bulb, cold room with the bed I'm sitting on in the middle along with a big heavy looking metal door. And no way out.

"All you need to know is, you make him happy and I don't like that cause only I get to do that" she stands and walks out without another word. HUH?

I look at my wrists and frown when I see some blood, my wrists are red, swollen with some blood dripping to my hands. Well great. Amazing really.

I feel a shiver crawl down my spine from the cold temperature of the room, I swear the temperature just dropped even more. I look to the ends of the bed where the ropes are tied and look to see if there's any way I could get out.

But before I could do anything the door opens, Xander walks in with a tray in his hands. He closes the door and walks to the bed.

"Little sis" he sighs in a fake manner and sits on the bed. My eyes go to the tray on the edge of the bed and my eyes widen. A knife, water, some type of pills, a phone and a gun lay on the tray causing me to try and move back from my own brother in fear to what he might do.

Never in a million years did I think this would be happening. 

"W-What are you doing?" I ask cursing myself for the stutter, he looks at me and smirks. 

𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐭

I hate her. I hate her so fucking much.

The fact that dad always, and I mean always chose her over me and mom pissed me off. Especially when after mom would yell at the blabber mouth to shut the fuck up, dad would go sit with her and watch god damn movies. And after, he'd come to me and tell me to try and talk to my mom telling her to be nice.

The act of being the best big brother to her these past years was hard, all I wanted to do sometimes was fucking slap her across the face and scream for her to shut up, a thing she got from dad. Both were so damn talkative. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now