Chapter 11

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𝐈𝐯𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐭

Yeah, so I think that I am cursed.

I slept for 10 minutes and woke up and haven't slept since and I really hate taking my pills cause they mess up my stomach along with making me feel like shit.

So here I am, lying in my bed at 4 in the morning. I should have heard what Seb had to say.

I want ice cream.

Go get it...

Yeah, might as well...

I sigh before getting out of the comfort of the bed and I shiver a bit as the cool air hits my legs. I changed into shorts and a training bra. But just in case his minions are out I grab a hoodie and throw it on.

I smile as my fluffy socks slide against the floor a bit before walking to my door and opening it a bit, I peak my head out checking for the minions and Ares. I don't know... he could be standing there with a knife to kill me any time.

I smile when I see D and I quietly walk out of my room shutting the door behind me. When he sees me he chuckles, "not tired?"

I sigh, "I mean I did sleep for ten whole minutes" I say sarcastically as I walk downstairs and he chuckles lightly.

This time, me being smart as fuck I brought my phone so I turn it on and use my flashlight as I walk to the kitchen.

My eyebrows furrow when I walk into it seeing the lights on and someone sitting on the stool, okay if it's some rando killer im out out.

I turn and am about to become usain bolt before I get called out "I'm not a burglar or killer Ivy"

Oh it's just him, I sigh relaxing a bit before I turn back to him seeing him looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

I roll my eyes and ignore him as I walk to the fridge, "what you doing up so late?" He asks behind me and I sigh when I hear a slight slur in his voice.

He's drunk, great.

"I was hungry" I mumble grabbing a box of vanilla ice cream, boring but it's fine.

I place it on the counter and close the freezer with my hip before looking back to Ares, my eyes fall to the glass in front of him with the liquor which im guessing to be whiskey or scotch in it.

"I can tell, but you should be asleep. Don't you have your pills?"

Why does he even care? "Yeah but I don't like taking them" I mumble grabbing a bowl and a spoon. I freeze  like a damn statue when I hear what I do next. He chuckles, not laughs but fuck that sound is amazing. "Ivy pills are meant to be taken"


I clear my throat and walk to the ice cream and shrug, "and a drink is meant to be drunk" I respond looking at his glass just sitting there.

He stays quiet and his eyes fall from mine to the island counter top with a sigh.

"are you okay?" I ask after a few seconds when he doesn't look at me. I sigh and leave the ice cream on the island before walking to stand beside him.

"Ares" I say placing my hand on his shoulder, and he flinched. He fucking flinches causing my hand to fly off him, what the hell?

"Sorry, I- uh" he stutters trying to find words and my eyebrows furrow, is that why he didn't touch me before, when he made his men put me in the car?

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now