Chapter 7

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𝐈𝐯𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐭

Here I am, at 5 in the morning craving orange juice.

I groan quietly before shutting my laptop screen, Yeah my insomnia really said 'no you bitch you deserve no sleep' and I haven't slept a second.

I sigh before getting up and the cool air hits my legs, I took my hoodie off leaving me in a cropped tank top but it's not like anyone's awake now is it. If you are you're coo coo. You're awake

I am coo coo thats why.

I step on the floor and my socks make me slide a bit, I smile and tip toe not wanting to wake anyone up and I walk to my door.

I open it and peak my head outside like they do in cartoons before looking around, there's one guard dude standing by the stairs and thankfully he doesn't even bother noticing me but I know he saw me.

Thank god

I walk out into the hallway and look behind me making sure Ares is not there with a knife to kill me before I walk to the stairs. I smile nicely at the guard and the corners of his lips tilt up and then back down as if he didn't want me to see.

I start walking down the stairs- I wonder how long he's been standing there. Is he hungry? I decide to turn around stopping and look at him "You want some OJ?" I whisper and he shakes his head with a grateful smile.

"No thanks ma'am"

Ew that makes me sound so weird

"Call me ivy..." I trail off waiting for him to fill in his name, "Boss said we're not allowed talking to you" he says, well you are. Suck on that Ares. "Oh come on it's not like he'll kill ya" I joke and he sighs.



He makes a small thinking face, "Fine, I'm Dawson" he whispers defeated and I smile, that's a nice name. "Well, hope I see you again Dawso-Can I call you D?" I ask and his eyes widen.

"Boss will kill me not caring I am one of his most trusted guards" he mutters more to himself and I chuckle a bit. "Have a good..." I trail off wondering what he does is called "-Guarding? session D" I smile walking down the stairs and smile when I hear him chuckle behind me.

He's one of the only nice people, I mean him and Athena and Seb. They are the only nice people I've met so far.

I tip toe into the kitchen I saw from the front before and- woah it's dark in here.

I grab the island in the middle of the large room and use it to find the fridge before opening it and smiling at the lights so I can actually see a bit now. I let out a small quiet evil giggle when I find the orange juice before pulling it out. I keep the fridge open for light as I walk to grab a glass.

I grab one and pour me some OJ before placing it on the counter.

there is someone behind you-I turn quickly and sigh when I see no one. Bitch


Right as I go to close the fridge I hear footsteps. My eyes widen and I freeze. Am I going to die? GOSH I JUST WANTED SOME DAMN ORANGE JUI-so dramatic

"What the hell are you doing?"

I immediately relax at the voice before closing the fridge with my hip and grabbing the glasses ignoring the butt face. I wince a bit when the bright lights flicker on, thats where they were.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now