Chapter Fifty-Five: Hi My Name Is...

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Official Nerdy Naomi Website updated status Two Years Ago.

Did you guys see the outfit Naomi was wearing today? It's like she looked up popular outfits of the year and did the best to copy it out of her own closet. The poor girl, trying so hard to fit in. Too bad it's pointless. At the side of the post is the picture of that very outfit. The picture next to it is the same outfit ruined by a little "oops" in the cafeteria. People are just so clumsy these days.

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DorkoftheDay Hey I'm NOT clumsy. That was accidentally on purpose. BTW I was the one who did it if you haven't guessed it already. Please, please, no flash photography, you can get an autograph later.

SirNerd Oh yeah, steal ALL the credit. I was the one who stuck my foot out just for you.

DorkoftheDay As if! I asked you to do it for an excuse to make it LOOK like an accident. Give me my $5 I gave you if you're gonna be like that.

DweebsRead98 You guys can BOTH get the credit. But seriously, the look on her face was priceless. Oh wait, you can't because it's covered in spaghetti and meatballs! MAMA MIA! Thank you Italians!

UnfitTwit54 Next time, stage your scene somewhere else, I almost got some of that sauce on me. But hey, did anyone catch the video of her crying after it. Ugh, drama queen, cue the tears please, get this girl a tissue! If you don't have the video, here's the link...

PlainLorraine Ok, enough with the food scene, which was genius by the way. But remember her outfit? Can you actually believe she was trying to rise out of her status with just a new shirt? It's pretty pathetic really. I wish she can just stop-

"What are you looking at?" Bennett asked me as he walked up to the couch.

I nearly jumped in surprise out of my seat. I shifted my position on the couch so that I was leaning against the armchair in an angle where he couldn't see the screen of my phone.

"Nothing," I muttered.

Bennett leaned forward from the back of the couch, trying to get a look. "C'mon Naomi, what is it?"

"Why are you being so nosy? What are you, Jordan?"

"I heard that!" Jordan yelled from the kitchen. "And I'm not nosy. I'm just very curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat, like I'm going to kill this boss," Declan muttered as he tried to beat the battle in the video game.

"It's because you're being all secretive, and you've been staring at the screen for hours," he said, glancing at me before backing away. "I want to know what took over my friend's life."

I sighed. "I'm looking at the website, you know, the one-"

"-that girl, Evelyn, made which Jordan hacked into to then cause her to move out of the school, no sorry, the city, and now Jordan currently owns?" Bennett finished.

"That's one way you can explain it, but yeah, pretty much."

"You've been looking at that?" Declan asked, glancing away from the screen to look at me before going back to his video game. He must have not even noticed me with his curses and yells at the screen. "Why are you looking at it?"

"Sentimental reasons."

"Really?" Bennett asked.

"No," I admitted. "Ever since Jordan took down the message from the website and made it unavailable to the public, except me because I asked him to see it, I've been looking at the posts and comments of it."

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