Chapter Sixty-Four: You're a Bully!

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“I hope you do well in your finals today,” my mom told me. “And for good luck, I made you some lunch today.”

I smiled. “Thanks mom. Now I don’t have to depend on the school food to keep my energy up.”

“Make us proud,” my dad said as he read the newspaper, and then snorted. “What am I saying? Of course you will.”

“That’s a lot of pressure you’re putting me in,” I told them.

He rolled his eyes. “A fail to you Naomi is called an A- to us mortals.”

“Don’t mind him,” my mom told me, “But before you go, can you do me a favor and deliver some mail for me? I think you pass by a mailbox on your route. I need it to be sent as soon as possible.”

I nodded and grabbed the stack of letters. “Alright.”

I left the house, seeing I was earlier than usual. The guys usually pick me up around 7:30 because Bennett needs to pick Jordan and Declan up first before picking me up last. I told Bennett that I need to give in some mail and that I’ll meet them at school. My phone had officially passed away after the disaster party, also taking my stereo with it. Jordan got me a temporary phone until I can buy myself a new one which he promised to update.

Now with the extra time to myself since I’ll be early to school, I can do some last minute studying in the library for my first few periods then study for the rest in lunch. I started walking with the mail at hand. I’m glad that I don’t take the school bus anymore. I mean sure, it helped me with my running, but I prefer carpooling with the guys instead. I found a mailbox a couple blocks away and inserted the mail into it. With that out of the way, I started walking to school that’ll take only a couple of minutes so I can have more time at the library.

With my thoughts on the notes I’ve went through the night before, I didn’t notice the limo driving up beside me. I did a near double take when I saw it. I’ve never seen a real one up close, only seeing it in the movies when the person is going to prom or just really rich. I don’t know what a limo would be doing here, but I ignored it and kept on walking. Then I realized it was following me, as I kept on walking faster, it matched my speed and drove alongside me. My first thought of course was Bennett.

I stopped walking and looked at the black tinted windows. “Bennett, did Jordan put you up to this? I know you can’t possible give in to him, no matter how persuasive he is, unless he blackmailed you. Why would you bring a limo for anyway? The last thing you are is flashy.”

The only reply was the door popping open to me.

I eyed it suspiciously. But it was a limousine. When else can I ever ride one? I took a cautious look inside the car before climbing inside and closing the door behind me. The car continued driving as soon as I closed the door. It looked like any limo I saw in the movies. But I was confused, Jordan and Declan weren’t here, it was only just the two of us, Bennett and me. He was looking away of me, looking into what I think is a mini fridge. Yes, a mini fridge. I mean, it’s a limo, why not add a mini fridge to make it more awesome than it already is.

“What’s going on Bennett?” I asked him. “Where are the others?”

He didn’t say anything.

Okay, I’m getting scared now. I eyed the door, the only exit here.

I tried again. “Bennett?”

“I hate to disappoint you,” he said, “but I think you’re confusing me for someone else.”

He turned around holding a Sprite and Coke in either hand. The guy looked like Bennett, scary alike as if they’re twins. But he had slightly shorter hair with his ears being visible to show he didn’t have earrings and had blue eyes that are darker than Bennett’s familiar bright ones. But beside those noticeable differences, the biggest difference was the smirk on his lips, something Bennett would never wear. Along with it, he was wearing what looked like a private school uniform. His uniform was a black blazer with a crest on it, over a white collared shirt and red tie.

The Good Girl's Bad Boys [Book One of TGGBB Series] (Completed, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now