Chapter Thirty-Three: Think, Naomi, Think

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The both of us stared at the house that was hosting the party. Just like Raymond's party, the house was so bright you could see it a mile away. And I mean it quite literally, only a few blocks away, Parker confirmed that the bright light in front of us was the party, not the light as if we were dead which seems quite possible because of his driving. After parking the car a block away because we couldn't park it anywhere closer given all of the parking spaces were taken by others who came here earlier. We then walked towards the light and didn't look back.

I could already hear the techno music coming from the house, knowing it will be ten times louder once we get inside. Many kids were outside of the house on the front lawn. It was like a crowd waiting outside of a night club. Some kids were trying to get into the party or waiting for their friends by furiously texting in their phones for them to hurry up. Others were taking a break from the party, being thankful for the cool fresh air compared to suffocating in there. People drank beers on the porch or smoke cigarettes on the sidewalk, couples made out behind trees, others getting high near the bushes. And then there was something else that got my attention.

I tugged on Parker's sleeve. "Hey Parker?"

"Hmm?" He said, turning to me. "What is it?"

I pointed up at the house. "Is that a guy passed out on the roof?"

Parker looked up to see what I was seeing. A half naked guy with a bottle of beer in one hand was sprawled out on the roof, not moving. And instead of being taken aback in surprise or even wanting to call the ambulance, he smiled.

"Yeah, that's Clinton."

I looked at him in bewilderment. "You know him?"

Parker's smile widened. "Of course I do, he's the number one guy to know when partying. He can hold his alcohol, that guy."

Then he looked back up at the roof and hollered, "Yo, Clint!"

The guy stirred in his sleep. Parker called his name again, making his eyes shot open. He then groggily sat up from the roof, groaning about his head. At first he seemed confused, not knowing where he was. Then he looked down to squint at us.

He took a sip of his beer. "O'Neil? Is 'dat you?" The guy asked.

"The one and only."

Clinton grinned wickedly. "Hey man, what's up?" Then he laughed at the bad joke.

"I'm good," Parker said with a laugh. "How's the party?"

Clinton grinned. "Wicked. Like always when Danny hosts 'dem. I'm just takin' a snooze though."

"I could see that."

"Well, can't blame me, y'know." He said dreamily, as if he was still half -asleep. Well, I was close. He's still half-drunk.  "The stars are nice to sleep under." Clinton looked back at Parker then bloodshot eyes found me.

"Who's you friend over there?" He asked nodding toward me.

"She's Naomi." Parker said

"Naomi, Naomi," Clinton smused, rubbing his chin before taking another drink of his beer. "I only know two Naomi's. There's my cousin Naomi, but she's grounded and couldn't make it to the party. Then there's Nerdy Naomi, but she can't..." He trailed off and looked at me, really looked at me.

His eyes went over to Parker and smiled. "What am I sayin'? Of course, it's gotta be her. She is your girl, after all. You proved it back in the locker-"

"I think you drank one too many beers, Clint."

Clinton snorted. "There is no such this as one too many beers for me." To prove his point, he took a long swig of beer.

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