Chapter Fifty-Three: Yup, Right On the Schnoz (Nose)

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Weeks had gone by since Parker left. But honestly, I don't know what would had happened to me if I didn't have the guys there for me. To be their usual selves, making me laugh and smile, rather than let the break-up get the best of me. 

“Put it down, I said put it down. I’m warning you, don’t do it. Don’t-“

Declan bobbed his head just in time for the food to miss him and hit the kid behind him. The kid yelped then turned to glare at whoever threw that food at him, but he was only met by Declan’s glare and lost. Jordan only burst out laughing. He was about to scoop up more of the food when Bennett grabbed the plastic spork or foon, whichever you prefer, from across the table and away from Jordon.

“Stop playing with your food,” Bennett scolded him.

“Why not?” Jordan whined. “I mean, it’s not even food anyway.” He emphasize it by taking Declan’s spork and scooping up some of the food to only drop it back on the plate with a plop.

“But why did you have to chuck it at me?”

Jordan shrugged innocently. “I don’t know, target practice?”

Before Declan could take his spork back and return fire I cut in.

“He does have a point though,” I said. “I don’t know what it is, or even what it used to be. It’s pretty disgusting.”

“Aw, don’t be so messed up,” Jordan told me. “It’s only Declan.”

Declan looked at us. “Do me a favor and just hold me back, because I swear I’ll-”

“Guys, don’t start a fight here.” Bennett said as he took a sip of his carton of milk. “Fight somewhere with less… witnesses.”

I didn’t bother holding back a chuckle for the whole thing. “Why do you guys always fight?”

Jordan grinned. “’Cause not only is it easy to, but its fun too.”

“And the thought of my fist connecting his face,” Declan sighed and cracked his knuckles.

I looked at Bennett. “Now for the real answer.”

“But it is the real answer,” Declan and Jordan argued.

“I meant the more reasonable one,” I replied back.

Bennett sighed. “It’s a guy thing. People usually show their friendship by being nice, being friendly. But with guys, we would make fun or tease the person, but in a friendly way.”

“But it’s like bullying, right?”

They all blinked and just stared at me in confusion.

“I mean, I know you guys don’t mean to. But the teasing, the threats, the jokes, it still counts as bullying, right?”

“She’s right.”

“To people, there’s a fine line between teasing and bullying,” Bennett started to say. “But what really matters is does it hurt their feelings? If they don’t take it seriously, then it’s alright, but if it really hurts them, then it’s not.”

We looked at Jordan and Declan who shook their heads.

“It doesn’t hurt, I swear,” Jordan assured us. “I find it funny, especially the good jokes.”

“Me too,” Declan said. “I know it’s all jokes with Jordan, I mean, his whole face is a joke.”

Jordan laughed. “Oh that’s a lot coming from you.”

“What do you mean by that?” Declan demanded.

The both of them began to argue back and forth.

The Good Girl's Bad Boys [Book One of TGGBB Series] (Completed, Editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя