23: party full of jews

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"michael gordon clifford, get your ass in here right now!"

michael flinched, trying to forget about the lecture and punishment that was about to come. "coming, mother," he muttered, shuffling his way to the kitchen where his parents were waiting for him.

his mother gave him a stern look while his father simply looked disappointed, which made michael's heart break into pieces. somehow his dad's look of...regret was even worse than any scolding he would ever receive from his mom.

"where were you last night?" his mom asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

michael gulped then shrugged, trying to hide his discomfort. "out."

"out where? you realize that we put you in this therapy so that you would stop having sex, right? and now you choose to go out and - "

"i didn't have sex last night, okay?" he snapped, unable to control the anger that was boiling inside him. "just because i didn't come home one night doesn't mean that i slept with someone! jesus, why do you care anyway? you're always too busy at erin's fucking basketball games to even ask me how my day was or how crappy i'm feeling. don't blame this shit on me."

michael's parents stared at him in shock as he practically shook with rage. "we didn't know you felt that way, son," his dad mumbled, giving him a sad look.

"me neither," michael replied quietly, now feeling a bit embarrassed by his outburst.

"we understand that you're feeling upset, but that's no excuse to go out every night and come home in the middle of the day without telling us. for all we know you could've been at a girl's house and you could've been - "

"jesus christ, mom! i told you that i wasn't doing anything bad!"

his mom sighed. "but how are we supposed to trust you?"

"have i given you a reason not to?" she stayed silent at that, and michael knew that he had got her. "now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go fuck the girl who thinks i'm a newly transformed dickhead."

his parents watched him leave in a mix of amazement and awe, totally ignoring that he had possibly said the most vulgar comment they had ever heard. by the time they were ready to scream at him and give him a beating, he was already far from the apartment.

michael pulled his phone out and dialed devon's number. she answered on the third ring, sounding confused and worried. "michael, are you okay? is your dick still intact?"

"yeah, but my parents kind of hate me now," he mumbled, kicking along a pebble on the sidewalk. "i can never win with them. it's like i'm on this road that leads to nowhere."

"come over before you have a panic attack, shakespeare. and come quick, there's this party tonight that i was invited to and i gotta start getting ready. you can come, if you want," she said authoritively, hanging up without another word.

michael didn't really want to go to a party, but he figured that since his girlfriend was going he was obliged to go as well. he shuffled his way towards her apartment, just going through the motions and not paying attention to his surroundings. that is, until, he heard an oddly familiar name being called in the subway.

"yo, calum!" a voice called from the opposite end of the subway car. the boy sitting to michael's right twisted his head around in annoyance.

"what?" the boy snapped, sounding bothered.

michael had to fish his brain once again to think of why the name calum sounded familiar. he suddenly remembered devon's story from the previous night. this had to be rapist calum and her first boyfriend calum. how many calums live in new york city, anyway?

"are you going to burnstein's tonight?" the boy called, completely oblivious that there were other people on the car listening to them yell at each other.

"wouldn't miss it! there's also supposed to be a lot of hot girls and booze, so count me in. oh shit, is there a police officer on this car? shit, i meant, uh... jews. there's gonna be a lot of jews. it's in a jewish community and - "

"just shut up, you sound like an idiot," calum's friend called, shaking his head with laughter. michael watched the whole exchange with weary eyes. they were probably talking about the same party devon was talking about.

and this gave michael no choice but to accompany devon to this stupid party full of "jews" because he had to protect her from the monster that sat next to him.


shitty ending wow

school was bleh i guess

i mean i hate everyone already but

ok anyway how was your weekend how's school tell me everything!!!

((btw daylight is my new jam it's so good ok i can't breathe))

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