12: accidentally

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as the days grew into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, michael learned more about devon than he ever intended to in the first place.

he learned that she hated chick flicks but she loved horror movies, and her favorite movie of all time was the exorcist. he learned that she wasn't scared of many things, practically fearless, but she the one thing she hated was bugs that crawl. he learned that she took her coffee without cream and she had a strong dislike for people who chewed with their mouth open.

and she learned things about him, too. like the fact that he was a huge romantic and enjoyed making girls feel beautiful instead of "hot" or "sexy." he could play the guitar and sing - very well, i may add. he had a strange obsession with collecting fruit stickers and he had a fetish for trees.

"how did you accidentally give someone a blow job?" michael wondered, lounging back on her couch. they had been spending more and more time with each other, enjoying the extra company.

"well, you know, i accidentally slipped and sucked his dick." devon shrugged casually, causing a loud laugh from michael.

it was a friday night and michael didn't feel like going home to face his parents and his tumblr-obsessed sister. he wanted to spend time with his best friend, even though it was obvious to both of them that they were more than just friends.

they were both scared to tell each other how they felt. love was weird like that, you know? michael was afraid that devon would think of him as a slut because no person could ever bounce back as fast as he had after charlie. devon was afraid that michael wouldn't feel the same way as this classic sex addict and that he would think she only wanted a hit and run.

when the clock reached 10:53 that night, devon's phone vibrated wildly on the coffee table. the two of them were watching the exorcist yet again, despite michael's many protests. devon checked her phone curiously while michael hugged a pillow tighter against his chest, covering his face in fear.

devon's eyes scanned her phone, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. the text was from ashton, whom she hadn't had contact with in the past two years.

i'm in nyc. can i come visit??

she stared at the screen blankly, scared to reply and also scared to see how he turned out. what if he was really hot, or something? and after all this time, did he still love her? her blood ran cold as a million thoughts - mostly negative - raced through her mind.

devon tapped michael's shoulder furiously, making him flinch in shock. "what?" he hissed.

"i got a text from ashton. he's in the city and wants to come visit, what do i say?"

michael thought for a moment, digesting the new information. "isn't ashton the guy from florida who loved you?" he asked cautiously.

she nodded, biting her lip. "should i tell him where i am so he can come here? oh god, i'm scared."

"i say you go for it. you don't love him, right?" michael asked, a new unfamiliar wave of jealousy washing over him.

"no, of course not. it's like we're...old friends."

he didn't reply to that, but he simply nodded his head and returned his attention back to the movie. devon sent a quick text to ashton, telling him where her apartment was located.

why was he in new york city anyway? it was just to visit, hopefully. unless he actually came all the way for her. and if he traveled over 1,000 miles just to see her, the guilt would eat her alive. she could only pray that the decision she had made was the right one.


woah woah woah what

ashton is back???????

sorry for this super horrible update it was a huge filler bc next chapter's gonna be big

bigger than michael's dick


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