9: don't need no man

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devon kept telling heself that michael had to have left her for a good reason. it's not because it was an unofficial hit and run, right? or maybe it was, and maybe he had left because he had already gotten his make out session and didn't want to deal with her any longer.

she told herself that she was a strong, independent black woman who don't need no man.

it was then when she realized how ridiculous she was being, and shook her head. michael was sweet and she knew he would never do that.

her phone buzzed from her bedside table, signaling that she had received a new text from michael himself.

sorry i left in such a hurry, but i need to tell you something super important!!! come by my place at 1, fam will be gone

devon exhaled a breath and reread the message over again. so there was a valid reason why he had left her alone. her worries disappeared as she got ready to head over michael's house.

just an hour and a half later, devon was knocking on his front door, hoping that the address he had given her was correct and that she could read a map. luckily, a sleepy michael answered the door and ushered her in without a word, shutting the door behind her quietly.

"guess whaaaaat?" michael asked, drawing out the word 'what'.

"what?" devon replied with a slight grin tugging at the corner of her lips.

michael leaned in close to devon and she could smell his cologne. "my girlfriend is moving away," he deadpanned, making his emotions hard to read.

devon remained silent and tried to contain the happiness that filled her veins. it took all her strength to not jump on michael and kiss his stupid face. instead, she put on a fake pout. "i'm sorry. i know how much you like her and - "

"it's alright," michael interrupted, slinging a lazy arm around her shoulders. "because i didn't really want a long distance thing anyway. plus, she was getting kind of boring. really, i'll be alright."

"but weren't you raving about how much you loved her, like, last night? just because she's moving away you're willing to forget your love for her altogether?" devon wasn't complaining, but she was merely curious.

michael shrugged. "i'm going to have to do it eventually, aren't i?"

the two of them shared a long silence, neither of them daring to speak. michael plopped down on the couch and devon followed suit, managing to fall perfectly into his arms. she twisted around so that she could look in his eyes. "have i ever told you how beautiful you are?" michael whispered, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck.

his arms wrapped around her waist securely as he pushed up her shirt the slightest bit, leaving a small patch of skin exposed near her hip. he traced designs on her skin and what felt like letters, but devon wasn't sure.

she didn't know that what he was really trying to tell her was "i love you."

they had had that immediate connection, almost like soulmates (except for the fact that they had hated each other at first, but let's not talk about that). because who possibly falls in love in two weeks?

both of them didn't have a clue.

and they both had their doubts, too. maybe it wasn't love, and maybe it was simply lust that was drawing them together. maybe deep down, they were still sex addicts and only wanted a hit and run.

but as michael hummed a soft tune in devon's ear and she played with the fingers that traced sweet sayings on her stomach, they both knew in their minds that this feeling was most definitely love.


ok this was such a fluffy and happy chapter let's all just be happy ok

this was a whole lot of explaining and stuff too and not really exciting but hey they're in love


sex addicts [michael clifford]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα