Fast Foward...

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I turned around nervously. I don't know how in the hell I didn't smell the bitch but I turned around to see the ginger.

"You say anything, your dead."

I stopped to complimate how much of a chance I have. I could probably take the hoe but, I really want to know what the fuck she wants.

"Look, I'm not looking for shit to jump into. What do you want?"

I asked. Which is true. I'm in some pretty deep shit and I really don't want to get into any more. She laughed her sickly sweet laugh.

"Bella dead, you know this already and you can help."

She said with a poker face plastered on her pale face. I scoffed.

"Why would I want to help you? Sure I don't like that bitch anymore than you do but, why would I help you?"

I asked. The fact that she's a vampire in the back of my mind. Right, now all I wanted to do was get home and sleep my ass off because I was pretty tired.

"You look like the type. That's all."

With that she disapeared into the night. What the fuck just happened? I'll think about this tommorow. My head hurts to much to think so I'll just mentaly shut up. Easier said than done, that's for sure. But l wasn't thinking about the ginger (gingers are awesome!) I was thinking about Embry. I flinched.

It hurt to much to think his name. Hell, it hurt to much to think about anything related to him in anyway. I see the beach, it reminds me of our first date. Not just our first -and last- date but, our first kiss. During the walk, I found myself yearning for his kiss, his touch, his love and affection. His messy dark brown hair, his deep brown eyes, his smi-

What the fuck am i thinking? You shouldn't be thinking this... stupid imprints. I honestly didnt have it in me to even change. I just trudged into my room and threw myself onto my bed. I didn't pull the covers or did anything related to my nightly routine.

Before letting myself sink into my matress and give into unconcienceness and allow myself to have what L want to call a nightmare but, in the back of my head I know it's a sweet dream. A dream of me and Embry. Memories, past and present haunting me. Showing me what we could have been if he didn't kiss the slut back.

You dont know how much I just want to run into his arms and forgive him and shower him with love and affection. To give into him and his kindness and what I thought was his pure love towards me. But he has hurt me to many times. I forgave him the first time and l told myself that he isnt as bad as he seems. I have proved myself wrong. Wrong is an understatement actually.

I have to learn to excpect less of people. Doesn't matter who he or she is , I must remember to never do that. For it always ends in frustration, annoyance and anger towards that person.

Shit, now L sound like fucking Shakespeare....

Was my last thoghts as I gave into the nightma-... sweet dreams.


Embry's P.OV

How could I be so stupid? Why did I have to kiss back Hayley? It was impulse! I was seriously going to push her away and kindly reject her. Even with a little touch from Hayley sent shivers running through my body and not the good kind. The kind that makes you want to through up, it felt completely wrong. I've been trying to explain to her but, simply trying to have a conversation with her seems imposible. Every time I try, she cusses me out or flat out ignores me. It's driving me insane. Everyone in the pack hates me now to. Some of the guys try to make me feel better but, I can tell they hate me for hurting her. I even made her cry. I, Embry Call made Alexandria Uley cry. Alex never cries...atleast not until a couple days ago.

Today I spent the whole day not seeing her. I got worried after a while but, Sam gave me a glare that basicly said 'why-would-you-care-you-fucktard?' I know he doesn't show it much but, I know Sam really does love and care about Alex. I have to repect him for that, not that I have much of a choice, with him being Alpha and all.

I was running patrol alone, I was glad to be alone, I didn't have to worry about my thoughts being heard by any of the guys.  I plan on winning back Alexs' heart. It hurts to much to know I hurt her that much and she wont let me fix it. I know I've messed up plenty of times. I've also gotten plenty of chances I don't deserve but, I just need one more. I wont mess up this time. I just need for her to listen. I don't even need her to say anything. If she just listens...if she listens.

Alex is stubborn and has a one-track mind. She sticks to her opinions and doesn't forgive easily. If your lucky enough, she will forgive you is something thats big for her. The trust she had in me is probably 100% gone, someplace in Narnia maybe.

Even if she does listen to me, there's probably nothing I can do or say to make her forgive me. I've used my last chance. I can't even imagine what she must have felt when she saw me and Hayley. I had taken her virginty the day before. I was her first- just like she was mine-. I thought everything was going to be rainbows and butterflies after that just got worse. More like boogie monsters and utter darkness.

Everytime I see her I have to remind myself that she...hates me. I know how much I hurt her and I have never wanted a time machine more in my life. Everytime I manage to sneak a look into her beautiful eyes all I see is sadness, anger, cunfusion and betrayal. I know I hurt her, it hurts me that I can do nothing to make those emotions go away. I want to look at her eyes and see happiness, love, and passion. I want everything the way it was before.

I've made some pretty big and stupid mistakes but, this has to be the biggest. At the top of my list, for sure. I don't know what I'm going to do if she never forgives me. I just want to hold her again, kiss her again. I want to tell her how much I love and miss her. I want to look into her amazing brown eyes that make me melt. I want to call Alex mine again. By the looks of it, that isn't going to happen soon.

I will get Alex back. Wether It's the last thing I do. It doesn't matter if I have to take my last breathe when she accepts me again. I will make it happen.


Sorry this is short. This is just a filler, I guess. I wanted to let you guys know whats been going on in Embry's mind. What do you think?

Cry Me A F*cking River, B!tch (Embry Call Imprint) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now