Can I? Fuck No. Will I? Hell Yes.

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"So what'd you want to talk about?" I asked him cutting right to the chase. He looked me in the eye before he started.

"Look I know I hurt you. I probably don't deserve this but... will you just give me a chance. You don't know how much it kills me to see you talk to another guy. Even if you guys are just friends. You don't know how much I want to re-arrange the faces of the guys who flirt with you. Even before we imprinted. I know that I caused you to have scars. Plenty of them. How deep? I'm not sure, but I know I can try to fix them. Just give me the chance. Please Alex."

..................... My mind was blank. I didn't know what to do. Was I really ready to trust Embry? Was I really willing to risk him hurting me again?....... Well at this point in my life I really don't have much to lose and my life is already messed up so.... What the hell. Why not.

"Sure. When and where?"

His eyes filled with so much hope that I wanted to reach up and wrap my arms around him and kiss him senceless... Lucky for me, I didn't.

"The beach. I know it's not the best, but I know you love it so..."

He stopped talking to see if I agreed so far.

"Sure. Are you just going to pick me up?" I was now living with Sam because I was under age. I still hadn't finished moving in completly. I was to lazy.

"Yeah..... Thank you Alex."

He bent down and kissed me on the cheek. With that little contact I feel shocks spread through my body like a wild fire. I wanted more. I needed more. I pulled back a little. I looked into his eyes and by the amount of lust in them I knew he felt the same way. I took a step back before I did anything stupid.

"I got patrol.I'll see you in 2 hours."

With that I lightly jogged into woods and phased. As I circled the area I thought about what was to come. What Embry would do.... I guess I'll find out later.


I finished patrol early and decided to bring all my stuff to Sam's house so I drove to my old house and put everything in boxes. After I finished I saw that my room was now completly empty. On top of a box was a picture. I lifted it up so I could see it better. It was a picture of me and my mom when I was 6. My face was completly covered in chocolate cake from my birthday. My mom had her arms around me. Smiling just as big as I was. This was one of the only pictures I had left of her. Before stepping out and closing the door from my past. I took one look at the now almost empty house. I wouldn't miss this place. Of course not. But in this house was were my mom died. I shook my head trying to clear up my foggy mind. I put all of the boxes filled with my belongings in my car and drove away from this place. Way to many things happened here. Most of them I didn't want to remember, so I just drove faster....


Finally! I had spent forever unpacking! I looked around my new room and was sattisfied. Sure it could use a couple of extra things, but it'll do for a while. I looked at my watch on my night stand.

"Shit!" I had 15 minutes to get ready to leave with Embry. I grabbed my clothes and ran into my bathroom wich was conected to my room. I took the shortest bath possible and put on my bathing suit. It was a strapless 2-peice, which was floral. I put on black booty-shorts and a cut off flowy light pink tank top which showed off my stomach. I was going to the beach so it really didn't matter. I didn't bother put on shoes. I knew I'd go bare foot later. I grabbed my phone and headed out. I knew nobody was home. They were all at Billy's so I wasn't surprised to find Embry sitting on the couch looking extremly nervous. Once he saw me his eyes widened. His eyes looked me up and down, obvisouly checking me out.

"So are we going to the beach or are you just going to sit there checking me out?"

I asked him smirking as he blushed and stood up and we walked out.

"Race ya?"

He asked.

"Your on."

We both stopped walking and positioned our selves for running.

"Ready. Se-"

He began but I cut him off.


I ran as fast as I could. Taking off my cut off shirt and shorts. In the woods of course so nobody could see us. As I ran into the view of the ocean I was pulled into somebody's strong muscular chest from behind. I squirmed around in Embry's arms and stood in front of him. His lips were unexpectedly close to mine when I turned around. I was fighting the urge to kiss him right here, and the fact that his hand was on the small of my back wasn't exactly helping. I looked down to see he was shirtless to. I bit my lip to restrain myself. He slowly bent down. I think he was still seeing if I was going to push him away and tell him off. But I couldn't. I was frozen. I felt his lips brush against mine. That took over my body. I stood up on my tippy-toes and smashed my lips to his. He seemed surprised but kissed back none the less. Our lips moved together. It seemed as if he was made for me. My other half. He pressed me closser to him. Our bodies molded together. I could have stayed like this forever. Our lips moving in sync... Until I remembered we were in public. I -sadly- pushed him away. We were both breathing hard. I looked into his eyes and saw nothing, but love. I smiled at him and pecked his lips. I ran out of his arms and ran into the water. I broke back to the surface to see Embry shaking his head disaprovingly.

"You have to ruin the moment don't you?"

He said teasingly.

"Yup. Now come on!"

I said as I swam further into the ocean. We played around and I felt good. I could feel myself trusting him again. Slowly, but I was. We got out to dry our selves and we grabbed our stuff and headed back hand in hand...


Are you guys happy they're together? Or do you think Alex should have played harder to get? Tell me what you think!




Regret Nothing!


Cry Me A F*cking River, B!tch (Embry Call Imprint) {Editing}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt