Stab That Bitch In The Neck...

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I was still crying when the guys brought me to Emily's house. Turns out everyone was there. Through the thick cold tears I saw everyone look at me with shock clear on their face. As they brought me to the guest room and was layed on the bed I was still chocking on my sobs...


A whole day had passed and my throught was dry and so were my eyes. I looked around me and even though today was one of those wierd rare sunny days, I felt like the complete oppisite. I was actually looking forward to the gloomy weather to match with my mood, but I knew I couldn't let Embry see me like this. So I got out of the bed and put on some blue basket-ball shorts, a white tank top and put my hair up in a high pony and walked out. When I walked out everyone looked surprised.


I snapped at all the people's gazzes. They averted their gaze to something else. I sat down on the kitchen table alone bringing a plate stacked high with food. I was reading all the texts I had missed when I came across one that really caught my attention. My friend Jenifer, knew I loved to dance, she sent me a text with a link to information on auditions to become apart of the few people to become a  new choreographer for a television show called So You Think You Can Dance.

I opened the link and all I had to do was send a video of one of my best choreographies and if the producers liked it, they would contact me and meet me in person where I would compete against other choreographers to become one of the few lucky people who were to be choosen as the choreagraphers for the show.

As I read through the details I figured why the hell not? Anything to get away from the weird stares I'll get here. As I finished I walked back in and sat next to Jared. He seemed happy that I was up and walking.

"What are we doing today?" I asked as Seth yawned. He was sitting on my other side.

"He took over you're patrol yesterday." Paul said.

"Aww." I said as I hugged Seth sideways. "You didn't need to do that. Wait..." I paused to think when he had patrol next. "I'll take you're patrol for today, so you can get some sleep." Seth looked grateful.

"Thanks." He said as he slung his arm over me lazly. You could tell the kid was really worn out.

"Hey gu-" As I heard his voice, I broke. Emotionaly and mentally. It was as if his voice was a reminder of the hell I went and would go through. His voice made me weak, but at the same time want to hurt him.

Just like he hurt me.



"Your a disgrace."

Embry spat in my face, angrily as I looked up at him with bloodshot eyes.

"I don't know w-"

I tried to start, but Embry didn't wanna hear it. I felt a sharp pain on my left cheek. My head snapped to the right with the force behind it. I looked up at Embry with fear. He had slapped me. My bestfrie- no, Brother just slapped me.

"Your so fucking stupid. Your just a slutty pothead. Good luck trying to find somebody who will actually like a crackhead like you."

Little words, yet they stung like a bitch. As for the whole 'pothead' and 'crackhead'... it's true. I did drugs. I started because of the death of my mother and the consant abuse from Evan. Embry found out before and made me promise to him that I would get clean. I did try, I really did try. But I just couldn't stop. It was the only thing that made the pain go away. Even if it was just for a few minutes, it was something.

With that he walked out of the door to the old abanded house that looked like it could fall down any second. Those few words he spoke, broke me. Made me realize that he was right. Drugs wouldn't help anything, but it was to late. He had hurt me. Phisacly and emotionaly. That I don't forgive.


I looked up and met his eyes. Big mistake.

"I think I'll do that patrol right now." I said as I walked up and out of the house.

"Alex! Wait!" I heard Embry's voice say as l could hear foot-steps following me. My responce, you ask? I kept walking and showed him my pretty finger walking away like a boss bitch.

This is what l did for the next days. I either didn't see Embry and try to enjoy my fucking life, or l told him off. When I went to school I would sit with the guys but, wouldn't even glance at Embry. When he spoke, I completely blocked him out. I kind of felt bad for the guys, we were probably making them feel akward as hell.

Everyday I secretly practiced my choreography until I thought it was perfect and sent in the video. I didn't want anyone to know because if l didn't get the job everyone would laugh at my sorry ass.

We were all chilling out, actually we were having a bon-fire. We were having a contest to see who can stuff the most hotdogs in your mouth. Paul got 9, I got 4. I know, I fail but that's the best I can do. Then Quill did something stupid, he tried to convince me to give Embry another shot. I immedietly cut him off.

"I don't wanna hear it. I'm not up for anybody's shit right now. So in other words I'm leaving. I'm gonna grab my soda, a hotdog and walking away like a bad bitch. Not giving two fucks about the world."

As l said good-bye to the elders Billy told me this.

"You always did have a colorful vocabulary." He said chuckling.

"You're first word was 'Shit'. That little word came out when Sam broke a lamp." Old Quil said.

"Well it runs in the family, right." I said as I heard Sam say 'Fuck' because he burned his tongue with a hotdog. They chuckled and let me go. As I walked home I did some of the moves from the choreghraphy I sent in.

I stopped to take a quick, shaky breath. Trying -and failing misabrly- to calm myself down. I felt a lone, cold tear slip out of my eye. What was wrong with me? Crying two times in a week? Fuck my period...

I was snapped out of my internal rant to somebody clapping. I cautisly turned around to see...


Ahhhh! Cliff hanger!.... not really since there isn't any suspence here, but what ever. What do you guys think? By the way, I know that this chapter was kind of suckish and short...



Cry Me A F*cking River, B!tch (Embry Call Imprint) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now