Lost Echoes in Solitude

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In the depths of my anguish, I reside,
With no solace, all alone, where I confide,
Yearning to be heard, craving a caring ear,
But finding only emptiness, silence I fear.

Why does the world turn a deaf ear,
To the pain I carry, crystal clear?
No one seems to care, I'm left adrift,
Lost in the vast expanse, my voice so swift.

No one understands the depths of my strife,
The wounds I bear, the scars of life,
In this isolation, I silently weep,
As my pleas for connection drown in the deep.

Where can I turn, when all doors are shut,
No empathy, no compassion, just a tightly sealed hut,
The weight on my shoulders grows heavier each day,
As I navigate this lonely, desolate pathway.

No refuge to be found, no listening soul,
Abandoned in this sorrow, beyond my control,
The echoes of my pain fade into the void,
Alone in my struggles, my spirit destroyed.

But even in this darkness, I hold a glimmer of hope,

That someday, somewhere, a connection will elope,Until then, I'll endure this solitude profound,
And seek solace within myself, where strength is found.

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