In the Embrace of Numbness, A Heart's Lament

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In the shadows of numbness, where feelings cease to be,
A hollow ache within me, a soul adrift at sea.
When all that once was dear has vanished into night,
I stand alone in silence, enveloped by the blight.

The world around me fades, a ghost of what it was,
Leaving me stranded in a void, devoid of love's soft buzz.
Emptiness engulfs me, a void that can't be filled,
Leaving me to wander, in a sorrow that's distilled.

Numbness wraps around me, a shroud of icy cold,
Leaving me stranded in a tale that's left untold.
The echoes of my heartache reverberate within,
A symphony of sadness, a dirge for what has been.

In the depths of my despair, I search for a glimmer of light,
But all I find is darkness, shrouded in the night.
The memories of what once was haunt me like a ghost,
Leaving me to wander, in a realm that's lost.

Gone are the days of laughter, replaced by silent tears,
As I navigate this emptiness, engulfed by my fears.
The world around me crumbles, a castle made of sand,
Leaving me to wonder, if I'll ever understand.

Alone in my sorrow, I mourn what used to be,
A heart that's lost its rhythm, a soul adrift at sea.
Numbness is my companion, in this desolate land,
Leaving me to wander, with no one to hold my hand.

But in the depths of despair, a flicker starts to glow,
A tiny spark of hope, in the darkness down below.
I cling to this ember, a beacon in the night,
Guiding me through numbness, towards the morning light.

Though sadness may consume me, and tears may freely flow,
I know that deep within me, a strength begins to grow.
In the embrace of numbness, I find a bittersweet release,
A journey through the darkness, towards a sense of peace.

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