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"sh-she's gone? " Zack asked his voice shaking.

" y-yeah, it - it wasn't my hit though, it wasn't me who killed her when the police barged in they said they kept trying to make her let go of the knife but she wouldn't let go, instead she started walking over to the officers with the knife raised, they had no other choice but to shoot her, by the time the paramedics arrived she was a goner, she had lost to much blood by then, mainly because of the gunshot wound, am sorry babe, I didn't want to tell you about this now, " Axel said as he leaned beside him stroking his hair as he watched Zack redirect his gaze and staring at the white wall Infront of him with teary eyes.

" I have to see Emily," Zack said after he wiped his eyes and started attempting to get up.

" the doctor said you should stay in bed, you have a head injury and a minor concussion, did you even listen to the doctor?" Axel tried to reason with him

" I also heard him say that am doing good enough that I could leave tomorrow " he argued as he tried to get up.

" Zack listen to me "

" NO YOU FUCKING LISTEN, AM GOING TO SEE MY SISTER, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY YOU'RE STILL HERE, FUCKING LEAVE ALREADY " Zack yelled loudly out of anger, Axel was surprised at first, his eyes wide as he looked at Zack in shock.

" am not leaving " Axel replied calmly as he helped Zack up

Zack looked at him stunned by the response, the first time he had heard someone say they won't leave him.

Zack lightly nodded not uttering another word as Axel helped him to his sister's room.

" the doctor just told me she's stable currently, but it's not guaranteed that she'll be waking up soon " Axel explained briefly, he suddenly felt pain surging through his shoulder and down his arm, he squeezed his arm as he fell on a nearby chair.

" Axel are you okay " Zack asked as he leaned on the IV stand

"I-I'm okay, don't mind me," Axel said in a pained voice.

" should I call for a doctor " Zack offered.

" n- no it's fine, it's just because of the injury "

Zack nodded lightly then went over to sit near his sister's legs as she laid on the bed unconscious.

"Hay Emily, can you hear me, can you - can you squeeze my hand if you can hear me " Zack cried as he took his sister's hand in his.

Seconds passed and Emily didn't do anything, a few seconds later she started to gently squeeze his hand.

" babe, are you sure you're not feeling dizzy or lightheaded or anything?" Axel asked as he carried some bags of clothes and other stuff to bring to Emily in the hospital, a few days passed and Emily was finally up but still kept in the hospital, the doctors said she needed to be under hawk eyes for a few more days just to make sure everything was sealed up and okay, they also said that even when she's released she'll still have to stay at home and not move, so basically Axel and Zack will be working as full-time servants for a good period of time, mainly Axel tho.

" Axel, for the last time, I'm okay " Zack responded as he gritted his teeth and rubbed his temples in pain, very okay clearly.

" why are you so stubborn, you clearly aren't, did you take your meds " Axel asked as he put the last bag in the trunk.

" yeah, but I guess they hadn't started working yet " Zack responded as he leaned on the trunk of the car.

"Are you sure you could go, you could just stay and I'll take the stuff there, you can just stay here, " Axel said as he walked over to his man and pinned him where he was standing by placing both arms on both sides, trapping him between two muscular arms.

" Axel I have to go, I can't leave her alone, she just woke up I few days ago, I can't leave her alone, I wanted to stay with her at the hospital in the first place but they didn't allow it, I have to go " Zack explained as he looked up at Axel who was slightly taller, something he had just realized.

"Are you wearing lifts ? " asked Zack out of nowhere.

" what? No " Axel responded sounding offended.

" then since when are you taller than me, " Zack asked.

" you just never cared about me enough to realize some things about me, how hurtful"  Axel jokingly cried as he pretended to be heartbroken.

"Enough with the jokes, let's go " Zack urged as he finally cracked a smile and reached up to kiss Axel.

They kissed for a few moments before parting away and hopping into the car.

So according to my calculations, this story should be done after possibly 3 or 4 more chapters maybe less I have no clue 😅, hope y'all are excited and liking this so far.

My sister's crush जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें