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Axel pov.

" Axel what do you want " Zack asked getting irritated.

" I just wanted to talk to you like we usually did " i replied

" Axel hear me out , I just knew you for like 3 weeks maybe. We are not friends okay and please try to control yourself a bit, am going to be your bodyguard soon and I don't like to bring shit into work . But still thanks for the job offer." He replied coldly while managing the best poker face he got all before swinging the car door open and sliding in and ran off.

I stood there for a second, watching as he drove off to soon become completely out of sight.

I didn't expect him to be like that--that cold , that dull . I never seen that side of him , he's right , I hadn't known him for long , 3 weeks or something like he mentioned, but I had fun with him and felt a friendly connection.

I got out of my trance and headed back to my car that was parked in the companies parking lot, I am currently on break from work since I just had a huge concert so I didn't have to get in the company .

I got in my car and just sat there , getting him back to his old state is going to be hard ain't it ? I thought to my self .

Zack's pov .     ( After he was accepted with a couple of days )

" Welcome back Mr Zack, this is going to be your first day of training we will be leaving you with one of our trainers to get ready and know exactly what your duties are and what we expect from you , please come that way sir " a secretary, I suppose, said as she led me to some place , it was an open area , one that seemed like one of those places where military army trained .

" What's that place " I asked

" Well that sir is where you are going to be training for the next couple of weeks, since you haven't got the right training in highschool and that's according to the info you provided us in the interview you ,you will have to get hard training here till you are completely ready, your trainer will be here soon please wait here " she said with a smile then left .

I sat where she had asked me , a little bench that sat in the corner near the door we just entered from and had full view of the training grounds.

I pulled out my vape from my pocket and took a couple  drags to calm my mind that was racing, I can't stop thinking, random thoughts are just clashing all together , from thinking of Axel, to that day he kissed me, to the new job and my mother's reaction when she found out I got a very good job  and that I quit working at the diner , to having to hear my sister talk about Axel which usually annoyed me but now it's doing something different to me .

A soud of someone coughing near me cought my attention , I quickly looked up to see a bulk guy with a bald head hovering over and looking down at me .

" No vaping or smoking allowed here sir " he said as he stepped back a bit so I could stand Infront of him , I quickly put my vape back in my pocket and looked back up at him .

" Not bad , do you usually train ? " The  bald guy asked .

" Not really but I work two jobs and go on way to many walks to escape my mother and annoying sister if that counts" I honestly replied.

" No it doesn't, did you use to take via fitness or self defense in highschool?" He asked

" Do you mean going to the school's gym once or twice a weak ?" I asked

" No "

" Well then , nope " I replied

" Then why the hell did they.........oooh you're that guy Axel recommended to the boss " he exclaimed.

" I suppose " I replied shrugging.

" Ugh , that's going to be painful " he said as he pinched the bridge of his nose while his other hand laid on his hips. " Okay , you said you usually take a lot of walks right ? "

" Yeah , that's what I said "

" Well I want you to do that , but instead of walking I want you running, 30 laps around the place , and I'll be counting each lap , START " he shouted then blew a whistle that I have no clue where it came from , the bald guy that I yet didn't get the chance to know his name sat down on the bench where I was previously seated as he watched me running , am pretty sure am going to suffer here.

" Hay coach " Axel said with a wide smile on his face .

" Oh hay Axe , what's up bro " the coach, aka the bald guy , replied as he took Axel in a bro hug.

" How is it going Axe, you should be relaxing after that amazing concert you had " the guy said as he led Axel to the bench and sat him alongside.

" Yeah I was just board so I decided to come train for a bit, you know get my mind off things while gaining some muscle" Axel explained.

" Yeah bro I get you , you can go ahead and .." the coach was interrupted mid sentence as Zack came over to him drenched in sweat.

" Am done with the thirty laps , I count them my self " he said as he huffed and puffed trying to take his breath for dear life .

" Oh , totally forgot about you , anyway go get a drink and rest for 5 minutes before we continue our training." The bald guy said as he reached for the cooler beside the bench and pulled out a cold water bottle from it .

During the time where Zack was trying to take his breath he didn't notice a pair of eyes staring at him watching every drop of sweat that trickled down his face and neck then getting absorbed by the fabric of his long sleeve sports shirt that fitted him perfect.

" Just......just 5 minutes, I ran 30 laps on my first day of training, you're a cruel man..." Zack was in the middle of talking when he noticed the man sitting on the bench next to the coach.

" Someone finally noticed " Axel said with a teasing smirk on his face .

My sister's crush Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon